Understanding the Basics of How to Fertilize Water Lilies

Water lilies are favored among people with green thumbs because of their beautiful colors and striking looks. Most people like this plant because of its beauty, but water lilies benefit the pond (where it grows) in the wild. Its long-stemmed leaves cover the water’s surface area and keep it cool in summer. The leaves also save the fish in the pond from getting snatched up by the birds of prey.

Planting a water lily is not enough; you would have to care for it by providing it with food. Read this article to learn the fundamental points of how to fertilize water lilies.

Choosing the forms and application

Plants need nutrients to live and bloom beautifully; water lilies are among the greediest eaters. They require a lot of nutrients, and people caring for them should know how to fertilize water lilies before proceeding with the job. These plants require significantly large amounts of fertilizers — especially when grown in small pots or their roots have bonded with the soils. Water lilies grown in small spaces require regular fertilization cycles, resulting in larger flowers, more recurrent blooming, and vigorous leaf growth.

how to fertilize water lilies

The methods of using fertilizers

Using time-released granular fertilizer works best when you mix it into the soil at the pot or plant pocket bottom when planting. At other times, planters have reported it to be untidy and awkward. You can ask your local expert about the best fertilizer type or contact the experts at SAIWC for effective solutions. However, it would be best not to put any of these fertilizers into direct contact with the water lilies’ roots. It is an important point of how to fertilize water liliesas it can burn the roots and possibly kill the plant.

The main target of how to fertilize water lilies is to encourage root growth all through the plant pocket or the pot. If you use fertilizer tablets, push them against the pots’ sides and away from the plant’s roots. Use granular fertilizer only at the pot’s or the plant pocket’s bottom. It is best to follow the instructions on the packet label for the best results. Moreover, use fertilizers prepared for aquatic plants only.

In conclusion

Generally accessible fertilizers for water lilies are available in either tablet or granular form. These products can work in two ways — either through an instant-release formulation (more readily available) or a time-release formula (it releases nutrients steadily over a given period, varying from 1 to 12 months).

Many people need clarification about their applications in how to fertilize water lilies. Experts recommend using combinations of the two for the best results. However, asking an expert for a correct idea would be best.



The International Waterlily Collection

International Waterlily Collection was founded by Ken and he is an important member of the International Waterlily and Water Gardening Society (IWGS).