Saiyan Shinobi
Saiyan Shinobi

Hey there, I'm Saiyan Shinobi.

I'm an Indigenous creator on YouTube that focuses on 3D Shenanigans with Naruto video game models, Kpop music and other skits.

While it wasn't a goal to create my own niche and revive a fandom that is near and dear to me, I managed to do just that since 2015.

I'm a 30 year old weirdo that enjoys Naruto, Dragonball, and many other anime that would take me days to list off.

Here, I'll be writing out tutorials that are mostly to help me when I forget wtf I'm doing with MMD.

If you find them useful, consider supporting me on Kofi to unlock the PDF downloads of these articles. ☕

Saiyan Shinobi

Saiyan Shinobi

Just a 30 year old weirdo that loves Anime and MMD still.