Three epic 80s science fiction comics with women in the lead

3 min readOct 25, 2019


Yes, one of them is Halo Jones.

The Ballad of Halo Jones

Alan Moore and Ian Gibson, 1984, Titan Books.

Halo Jones is an ordinary young woman caught up in a series of extraordinary events, eventually joining the army and getting drawn into a brutal interstellar conflict. The artwork is great for space ships and battles but unfortunately leaves Halo herself with only a couple of facial expressions to choose from. In a way that’s kind of appropriate, as she stumbles through most of the story without really doing very much at all.


Anina Bennett and Paul Guinan, 1989, Dark Horse.

Meet the original clone club. The first five issues of this action-packed series follows scientist Dr Therese Sorensen and her sisterhood of clones as they flee anti-clone violence in the streets and try to escape the clutches of an evil corporation. Some of the clones, the Deltas, are scientists who work with Therese, while the Betas, nicknamed ‘heartbreakers’, are super tough space marines tasked with guarding Therese and her research.

Anina Bennett has generously shared a whole lot of great resources for aspiring comic creators, including scripts and annotated artwork for Heartbreakers - take a look at her Comic Book Learning Portal.

Wandering Star

Teri S. Wood, 1993–97, collected edition published by Dover in 2016. So technically this is an epic *90s* science fiction comic, but it was begun in 1988 and its soul belongs to the 80s, trust me.

It’s 2192, and Earth has recently been accepted as a member of the Alliance, a peaceful association of planets. Casandra is the daughter of Earth’s president, and the first human to attend the Alliance Galactic Academy. She’s not exactly welcomed, but befriends a group of misfits including a gigantic muscular bunny rabbit, a powerful telepath, and an energy being currently inhabiting a prototype space ship, the Wandering Star. A sudden attack by the Alliance’s enemy the Bono Kiri throws Casandra’s world into chaos and she and her friends are drawn into a full-blown galactic war.

Read this great interview with Teri S. Wood on ComicsBeat.




Cyborg feminist. Grey witch. Interests include superheroes, comics, folklore, and ghosts.