7 Tips To Earn 900$+ par Monthly From Article Writing using Gpt4

2 min readOct 26, 2023

Sure, here are some tips to help you earn money through article writing:

Photo from Google unplash

1. Choose a Niche:

Focus on a specific area that you are knowledgeable about and passionate about, as this will help you establish expertise and attract relevant opportunities.

2. Develop a Strong Portfolio:

Create a diverse portfolio of high-quality articles that showcase your writing style and expertise in your chosen niche.

3. Pitch Effectively:

Tailor your pitches to the target publication, demonstrating a clear understanding of their audience and style. Highlight the value your article can bring to their readers.

4. Network:

Connect with editors, fellow writers, and industry professionals through social media platforms, forums, and writing communities to stay updated on potential writing opportunities.

5. Consistency and Quality

Maintain a consistent writing schedule and ensure the quality of your articles remains high, as this can help you build a loyal readership and attract more lucrative opportunities.

6. SEO Knowledge:

