Study smart, not hard: How to get good grades without studying 24/7

2 min readNov 7, 2023



03 NOV 2023

5. Space your study sessions

It has been proven that spacing out your study sessions over an extended period significantly enhances long-term memory.

In fact, Nate Kornell conducted an experiment to compare two study strategies — spacing study and massing study — to determine which strategy is more effective.

He found that 90% of participants who adopted the spacing study method learned and retained more information, whereas only 6% of participants who adopted the massing study method achieved the same results.

Last-minute cramming might help you pass the test, but it will not lead to long-term retention of the material.

If you’re adopting the spacing study method, it’s worth noting that the most effective practice is to work a short time on each topic every day.

The total amount of time spent studying will be the same compared to one or two cramming study sessions, but this approach helps you learn and remember the information more deeply, improving your chances of acing the exam.

All in all, it’s not about how long you study; it’s about how well you study.

By practising these strategies and techniques diligently, you’ll soon stop fretting about how to get good grades without the need for 24/7 studying.

