the healing process: embracing the journey

3 min readAug 7, 2024


Life is not easy and often some incidents may make us bitter or make us feel like we have lost everything. However, there is always a hope to make a change and transform in every dark and stormy period of one’s life.

It may be summed up as a process through which a person regains wholeness in order to go forward.

We must understand what is meant by the term healing, how it is done and how one can endure the process with courage and waiting.

What Is Healing : One should not conclude that healing is only the physical one. It also means search for emotional, mental and spiritual redemption.

This is the first step of change and requires acknowledging and accepting the existence of pain. Recovery starts when one decides that they have problem and that they need to work on it.

The initial thing that a person has to accept is the fact they need help and are suffering in some way.

In any case, one must recognize the suffering that stems from loss, trauma, or any other difficulty faced in one’s life. It doesn’t mean patronizing it, but recognizing that one needs to be healed.

Have you sat still and let your soul feel all the sad moments or the anger, or the grief?

The human aspect that should be addressed regarding this matter is that self-care is an integral component of the healing process.

This refers to health, leisure and general well-being, and the balance between the overall care of self.

Sometimes things don’t go as planned and more importantly, the act of looking out for oneself will make one continue.

Such are the issues that you may face as you transform in the process of healing. Challenges are also results of social interactions that can result to achievement of new insights and therefore personal development.

It is always possible to receive strength and protection using such changes.

But do not think that healing is just a straight line and there will be a series of bad days alternating with the good.

It is alright to take some time on a task especially when it is difficult and one simply needs to persevere. Recovery is a process and it is never the same with anyone, it all depends on the person.

It is the belief that things will improve that helps people persevere through worse conditions.

It is the notion that things will get better and hopeful that happiness can be restored. Hope gives life meaning and meaning gives death no place to stay.

Healing is a process through which people work towards restoring themselves and moving forward. It means confronting our suffering, asking for help, nurturing ourselves, and welcoming change.

Recovery can sometimes be slow but knowing this, makes us arrive at a much more stable and serene state.

Even when the path seems challenging, what keeps you motivated to keep moving forward?

