Configuring MFA for File-based SP in WSO2 Identity Server

Sajith Ekanayaka
2 min readNov 5, 2018


Please read the following two documents to understand the basics of Multifactor Authentication (MFA) and File-based Service Provider (SP) & Identity Provider (IdP) configurations in WSO2 Identity Server

Now let’s have a look on what are the things we need know when enabling MFA using the file-based service providers which are stored in the directory,<IS_HOME>/repository/conf/identity/ service-providers.

The authentication steps are defined with <AuthenticationStep> elements inside <AuthenticationSteps> element of the service provider configurations file


Please find the following example on defining an <AuthenticationStep>.

<LocalAuthenticatorConfigs/> or <FederatedIdentityProviders/>

The <StepOrder> indicates the order in which authentication steps should be taken place. It should start from 1 and the <StepOrder> of the next steps should have to be in sequential order without omitting numbers in between.


<SubjectStep> element define whether to use the subject identifier from this step. In the case of multiple steps, you can have only one step as the subject step.


<AttributeStep> element define whether to use attributes from this step. In the case of multiple steps, you can have only one step as the attribute step.

<LocalAuthenticatorConfigs> and <FederatedIdentityProviders>
The following block can be used to define local basic authentication for a given authentication step (inside the <AuthenticationStep> element)


To add federated authenticators to the authentication steps, you can add the following block into your <AuthenticationStep> element.


Here, <IdentityProviderName> means the identity provider name which we have added in the identity provider configurations.

Inside the <FederatedAuthenticatorConfig>, the <Name> element defines the name of the federated authenticator. Here I have added the SAML authenticator’s name, we can add the authenticator name accordingly. Please find some possible authenticator names below.

  • OAuthRequestPathAuthenticator
  • BasicAuthRequestPathAuthenticator
  • SAMLSSOAuthenticator
  • OpenIDConnectAuthenticator
  • GoogleOIDCAuthenticator
  • MicrosoftWindowsLive
  • FacebookAuthenticator
  • YahooOAuth2Authenticator
  • EmailOTP

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