How Can I Improved My Hair Mask In Photoshop

Sajjad Hosen
2 min readJun 18, 2019

Hello buddy, what’s up? Do you have interest on hair masking? If your answer is yes, this article is going to be very helpful for you. Many people claims that hair mask in Photoshop is a tough and frustrating task to do. I will give you some golden tips. By applying this, you can deal with hair mask in Photoshop cc easily.

Hair Mask in Photoshop example

This is an advance technique but I am going to explain this to you in an easy process. At first, open the image that you want to edit in Photoshop. In primary stage we need to make the image transparent. In this purpose, go to eraser and select background remove tool. Then make the background transparent. Leave the hair section and make transparent other remaining portion. Then create a new layer and go to solid color and choose a color according to your wish.

I want to give a little advice here. It is better to use a deep color. Then select the previous layer and make selection the hair section at this point.

After this stage, go to burn tool from the selection panel. Now it’s time to work on hair. Wait buddy, before you go we need to reduce the exposure. Set it to 50. Now you are ready to go to fix hair.

Hair Mask in Photoshop

Then fix the hair with the burn tool. After you complete the fixing of hair, go to layer panel once again. Right click on layer panel and select Flatter Image.

Now your picture is all set. Isn’t it a great process? Now let me give you some extra tips:

  • Create a new layer before you work on hair
  • Always use the burn tool to fix hair
  • Use a deep color for background
  • For the final touch don’t forget to make the image flatter.



Sajjad Hosen

I’m online content writer, blogger and graphics designer. I have a online blog. My passion is Graphics Design and Photography.