The Timeless Beauty of Kafka’s ‘Letters to Milena’

sanatan kafle
4 min readJul 17, 2023


Franz Kafka’s ‘Letters to Milena’ is an extraordinary collection of deeply personal and poignant letters that provide a profound glimpse into the inner world of one of the greatest writers of the 20th century. These letters, written to Milena Jesenská, a Czech writer, are a testament to the enduring power of human connection and the exquisite beauty of the written word. Through their intimate correspondence, Kafka invites us into his world, sharing his profound sense of isolation, existential despair, and his intense and painful love for Milena. The letters are marked by a profound sense of longing, frustration, and a connection that transcends time and distance.

In one of his letters, Kafka writes to Milena: ‘Writing letters is actually an intercourse with ghosts and by no means just with the ghost of the addressee but also with one’s own ghost.’ This poignant quote captures the essence of the collection. The letters go beyond being mere means of communication between two individuals; they become a profound exploration of Kafka’s own thoughts and emotions, a journey of self-discovery and self-expression.

Among the many remarkable quotes in the collection, one that stands out is: “You are the knife I turn myself, that is love. That, my dear, is love.” In this striking metaphor, Kafka compares love to a knife, suggesting that it has the power to cut through the layers of our persona and reveal our true selves. Love becomes a transformative force that exposes our vulnerabilities and brings us face to face with our deepest emotions.

Another quote that resonates deeply is: “I miss you deeply, unfathomably, senselessly, terribly.” These words capture the profound longing and yearning that Kafka feels for Milena. They convey the depth of his emotions and the intensity of his desire to be near her.

“I have spent all my life resisting the desire to end it.” This line, though starkly literal, conveys the immense emotional pain Kafka experiences and the tremendous effort he exerts to keep going despite the inner battles he faces. It speaks to the strength and resilience he musters in the face of his struggles.

“I am constantly trying to communicate something incommunicable, to explain something inexplicable, to tell about something I only feel in my bones and which can only be experienced in those bones.” This quote beautifully encapsulates Kafka’s relentless pursuit to express the ineffable and convey the depth of his inner world. It reveals his longing to share his most profound experiences and emotions, even though they may elude precise description. The metaphor of feeling something in his bones emphasizes the intimate and deeply personal nature of these experiences, rooted in the very core of his being.

“The world is only a pretext for a beautiful, incomprehensible, and absolutely true work of art.” Through this metaphor, Kafka challenges the surface-level understanding of the world and invites us to look beyond the ordinary. He suggests that there is a deeper, more profound reality that lies beneath the surface, a reality that is awe-inspiring and transcendent. The world becomes a mere backdrop, a pretext, for something far more magnificent and meaningful.

“To read a letter from you is like gazing into a mirror that I carry about with me. It brings me closer to myself than I can come by any other means.” This beautiful analogy portrays the power of the letter as a tool for self-reflection and self-discovery. Kafka sees the letter as a mirror that allows him to truly see and understand himself. It becomes a medium through which he can connect with his innermost thoughts and emotions, fostering a deep sense of self-awareness and understanding.

“In a way, you are poetry material; You are full of cloudy subtleties I am willing to spend a lifetime figuring out. Words burst in your essence and you carry their dust in the pores of your ethereal individuality.” This metaphorical expression conveys Kafka’s fascination with Milena’s captivating qualities. He sees her as a source of inspiration, someone who possesses the depth and complexity that aligns with the creative and expressive nature of poetry. Milena is portrayed as a mysterious and enigmatic being, with layers of intricacy that Kafka eagerly wants to explore. Her very essence is imbued with the power and impact of language, and she carries the remnants and traces of words within her, symbolizing the profound connection between her identity and the potency of language.

These quotes offer just a glimpse of the profound beauty and wisdom contained within Kafka’s letters. Delve into the depths of the collection, and you will discover a treasure trove of insights and reflections that resonate with the human experience in its most profound and intimate form.

Happy reading :)

