Which Vector Database is Right for Your Generative AI Application? Pinecone vs ChromaDB

4 min readSep 1, 2023


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We at Maigrate are committed to simplifying the process of building Generative AI applications and chatbots. Our aim is to make decisions like choosing a model, a vector database, an embedding model, or a distance function as straightforward as possible. We offer easy-to-use APIs and a comprehensive admin console to monitor your applications. Let us worry about the costs and best practices, while you focus on building the next amazing applications of Generative AI. Start building for free, visit Maigrate.


Vector databases have become an essential part of the modern data stack, especially when dealing with machine learning and AI applications. These databases are designed to store embeddings, which could be either image or text-based. Embeddings are essentially vectors that capture the meaning of the data, making it easier to perform operations like similarity search, clustering, and more.

What is a Vector Database?

A vector database is a specialized database that stores embeddings. These embeddings can be generated from various types of data, such as text or images, and are used in machine learning models for tasks like classification, clustering, and similarity search.

Use Cases for Vector Databases

  1. Retrieval Augmented Generation : Commonly called as RAG improves response quality of LLMs by augmenting prompt with relevant context.
  2. Content Recommendation: Use embeddings to find similar items in a catalog.
  3. Image Recognition: Store and retrieve image embeddings for quick and accurate image recognition tasks.
  4. Natural Language Processing: Store text embeddings for tasks like sentiment analysis, chatbot responses, and more.
  5. Anomaly Detection: Use embeddings to identify outliers or anomalies in a dataset.

Options for Vector Databases

When it comes to choosing a vector database, you generally have two types of options:

  1. Self-hosted: Such as ChromaDB (Open Source)
  2. Managed: Like Pinecone



Estimated for one index on one S1 pod running for 30 days at $0.096/hour, which comes to around $70/month. Pinecone Pricing

Storage Capacity:

  • Sentence transformers: 5M vectors (768-dim),
  • OpenAI ADA embeddings : 2.5M 1536-dim vectors

Response Times: Approximately 500 ms. Read More


Since ChromaDB is self-hosted, you’ll need to run it on an AWS EC2 instance.
Chroma Deployment Guide

Storage Capacity: When it comes to ChromaDB, calculating the memory requirement is crucial since it’s self-hosted. The rough calculation for RAM requirement for N vectors with dimension dim is N×dim×4 bytes.

  • 1 GB of RAM can store around 300,000 768-dim vectors (Sentence Transformer) or 150,000 1536-dim vectors (OpenAI).
  • To store 2.5M OpenAI 1536-dim vectors, the memory requirements would be 2.5M vectors×1536 dimensions×4 bytes≈16 GB

Pricing : Therefore, to support the same load as the Pinecone S1 pod, you would need at least a 16 GB RAM machine for ChromaDB. An AWS m4.xlarge instance, which costs about $0.20 per hour, would come to around $150 per month.

Response Times: You will need to manage the infrastructure yourself, and there are no clear SLAs on performance.

When to Use What?

Choosing between Pinecone and ChromaDB depends on your specific needs and where you are in your project lifecycle.

  • Free Tier: Pinecone offers a free tier that allows you to store up to 100,000 vectors. This is an excellent option if you’re just getting started and want to test the waters without any financial commitment.
  • Local Testing: ChromaDB provides an easy way to test locally, making it a great choice for prototyping and development stages. You can set up a ChromaDB instance on your local machine and experiment freely before moving to a more scalable solution.

Prototyping: Start with ChromaDB for local testing and prototyping. Its local testing capabilities make it easier to experiment without incurring additional costs.

Deployment: Once you’re ready to scale, consider moving to Pinecone, especially if your application requires robust, managed infrastructure and you want to take advantage of their free tier for initial deployment.

ChromaDB is also working on their managed version, so it will be interesting to see how their pricing compares to Pinecone in the future.


Choosing the right vector database is crucial for the success of your Generative AI applications. Both Pinecone and ChromaDB offer unique advantages and limitations. Your choice will depend on your specific needs, whether it’s quick prototyping or robust, scalable deployment.




Talks about real world applications of LLMs and Generative AI.