What Elon Musk,Steve Jobs ,Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates ,Jeff Bezos And Other Top Billionaires Have In Common That Everyone Do Not Know(Worth Read).

Vivek Sakpal
4 min readMay 18, 2018

Was their extreme success was just an accident or merely a luck or something that only few people can understands..

yes there is some thing that not every people knows

today im sharing my vision towards top billionaires and most common things in them.

all of them are an example of extreme success isn’t its obvious! which everyones knows but what is the real thing which pushed them on top of mountains called achievement

at the point they started their journey everyone was a beginner or from another industry how they endup in worlds top 10% is where the real answers lies

They All Have Seen And Over Come From Extreme Failure, Where They Get To Know The Real Meaning Of Why They Want To Succeed And They Knows Advantage Of Never Looking Back And Why Its Essential To Be Always Solution Oriented And Its The Only Way To Make Things Happen.

They Don’t understand the Words like No & Impossible.

Failure always shouts the truth and bring the best out of you only if you are willing to pay attention and learns from it, while keep trying and treating failure as feedback is the key formula for moving ahead.

They Understand How System Works And They Know Nobody Is Perfect And Not Even Them, They Only Focused On Doing Things That They Are Best At While Remembering Everyone Came In This World With At Least One Unique Power, Mastering And Doing The Only Thing At Which They Are Extremely Good At And Then Taking Them To Next Level Is The Only Way To Succeed.

They Learn To Build Network And Make Good Use Of It, Cause They Know If They Wanna Make Dent In Universe They Vll Be In Need Of Most Brilliant And Creative Minds To Make Things Happen, They Know There Is No Such Thing Like Self Made, So They Value Talented People And Hire Them To Make Wonders Together.

They All Selected Core Industry Which Controls All Other Industry And Which Also Keeps On Developing So They Can Build Better Solutions Than Existed Once E.G Information Technology, Space & Energy.

They know the biggest risk is to play low and average so they always bets on huge markets and early stage ideas which can create huge positive impacts on man kind.

They Knows Only Pussy Retires they have burning Passion towards life and solving problems.

They Are Legacy Oriented

Do they work for money nah dat’s just a small vision they believes in creating dent in universe. they strive for being wealthy not rich, if being rich was their sole goal then they must have retired even after making billions they are working.

In the list of wealth they knows money comes last.

They Knows Secret How Luck Works!

More they work more luck works.

At Early Stage Success They Made Good Investments and Keep Doing it Every Year

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Vivek Sakpal

Believes in Creating Dent in the universe and touching people's life in Uplifting ways.. https://www.linkedin.com/in/vivek-sakpal-a804b7a9