Saksham Dwivedi
1 min readSep 23, 2022


What is PoorMan’s Rekognition?

Poor Man’s Rekognition (PMR) is an open-source alternative to amazon’s Rekogniton API service. It is capable of facial analysis, object detection, text detection, scene detection and has the potential to be much more.

What has been added during this summer?

This year the project has focused on being more compatible for developers, providing a snappier experience for the end-users, and making a robust CI for maintainers and also on adding few new features to the project.

Major changes are listed as follows:

Before GSoC:

1. Fixing text detection model->LINK

2. Fixing Error in API’s -> LINK

3. Added HTTPS error codes -> LINK

4. Added Memory Profiler -> LINK

During GSoC:

1. Dev environment compatible with python3.7-> LINK

2. LANMS pip package for python3.7-> LINK

3. Migrating CI Pipeline from Travis to GitHub Actions-> LINK

4. Added Image Captioning Module -> LINK

5. Dependency Management ->LINK

6. Adding Latex Extraction Module-> LINK

To Be Done:

1. Writing a Docker build for the project

How can you contribute to the project?

For Developers, please refer to for setting up the project in a development environment.