Why Google Opinion Rewards is a Product Management’s Heaven.

Sergei Akulich
2 min readMar 23, 2016


It is Magnolia time in Seattle.

Here are 3 simple reasons.

It is awesome for a user.

Guess what, Google already knows everything about you. So a couple extra bits and pieces will not hurt. User installs the app and gets paid for answering questions. Last time I was paid $0.46 for answering 4 questions, not bad.

It is awesome for a Google customer.

Opinion rewards app was developed by Google Consumer Surveys. It makes a lot of sense for customers because of its targeting and user coverage.

It is awesome for Google.

Now is the best part. It is awesome for Google from every angle.

  1. The system is fairly straightforward. Despite their targeting complexity, polls are well known and understood.
  2. Customers pay real $$$ for surveys. But users are paid with Google Play credits.
  3. It seems like Google pays ~50% of what it gets from its customers.
  4. Users will spend the money on digital goods. It means if I buy an app for $1, Google will take a dollar but app developer will only get $0.70 and there are no transaction fees.
  5. Google uses the service to improve its learning and prediction power. Once in a while I get a question about my recent trips and whether I’ve been to some places like restaurants, stores, etc.

I understand, it is not a massive service like Airbnb or Uber. It will not generate billions of dollars in revenue. But I appreciate the utilitarian nature and the way it connects Users, Customers and Company itself.

