One-Time Passcodes in Today’s Digital Age

Sakura Akiyama
3 min readJan 4, 2024


In the ever-evolving landscape of digital security, authentication methods play a pivotal role in safeguarding sensitive information. One-Time Passcode (OTP) authentication is just one of the many solutions, offering a level of security compared to traditional static password systems.

The Pros of One-Time Passcode Authentication

  1. Enhanced Security: One of the advantages of OTP authentication is its ability to enhance security. Unlike static passwords that remain constant, OTPs provide dynamic and time-sensitive codes that expire shortly after use. This dynamic nature makes it more challenging for malicious actors to gain unauthorized access.
  2. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): OTP authentication often serves as a crucial component of multi-factor authentication, adding an extra layer of security. By combining something the user knows with something they possess, MFA significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access.
  3. User-Friendly Experience: OTPs are typically delivered through various user-friendly channels, such as SMS or email. This makes the authentication process convenient for users while maintaining a high level of security.

Let’s walk through an example

The authentication process begins with an initial check for the presence of a JSON Web Token (JWT). If a JWT exists, indicating a prior successful authentication, the user seamlessly bypasses the OTP flow and is directly navigated to their personalized dashboard.

For new users or instances where a JWT is not present, the user is prompted to enter their registered email address. This step acts as the gateway to initiate the secure OTP authentication process.

Upon entering the email address, the system dynamically generates a OTP with a predefined expiration window (I have mine set to 10 minutes). This time-sensitive code adds an extra layer of security, ensuring the temporary nature of the OTP.

The generated OTP is promptly dispatched to the user’s provided email address. The user accesses their email account to retrieve the sent OTP. This step leverages the possession factor, as the user must have access to their email to proceed further in the authentication journey.

With the OTP in hand, the user returns to the authentication interface and inputs the code. The system verifies the entered OTP against the generated code, validating the user’s authenticity.

Upon successful validation of the OTP, a JWT is dynamically created, signifying a verified and secure login session. This JWT serves as a digital key, granting access to the user’s account and ensuring a seamless navigation experience. The user is now securely logged in, and the JWT governs their access to the platform. This authentication token remains active until its predetermined expiration, providing a convenient and secure user experience while minimizing the need for repetitive OTP inputs.

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