4 Types of Web Hosting For Your Successful Business.

Salam Othman
5 min readDec 22, 2021


Choosing a web host can be a bit tricky especially if you are new to creating your first website.
In this article, you will understand the different types of web hosting and what plan you should buy based on your business needs.

Article contents:

  • Hosting types.
  • Shared Hosting.
  • Cloud hosting.
  • VPS hosting.
  • Dedicated Hosting.
  • WordPress Hosting.

Four types of web hosting?

If you don’t know, there is more than one type of web hosting, not just one. One of the basics of web hosting that you must have knowledge of are these types.

The reason behind this is that the types of hosting differ according to the use of each type, its strength, price, difficulty to manage, and the structure of each type.

In this lesson from the basics of hosting, we will explain in detail each type of hosting so that you have a clear idea and vision about the types of hosting and therefore you will be able to determine and choose the type of hosting you need for your site or project.

After this, you will also have a good knowledge of web hosting in general after reading this article.

The 4 types of web hosting:

  1. Shared Hosting.
  2. Cloud Hosting.
  3. VPS Hosting.
  4. Dedicated Hosting.

And an extra special type of hosting in WordPress Hosting.

1. Shared Hosting.

The most widely used and popular type of web hosting is shared hosting, or what is also known as Shared Web Hosting.

And the principle of shared web hosting depends on the sharing or sharing of hosting in terms of its resources and cost as well between more than one user.

Therefore, shared hosting is characterized by its low prices, but it is not the strongest type of hosting either, nor is it the most secure as a result of the presence of more than one user on the same hosting, and therefore they affect each other.

Another advantage of shared hosting is that it is easy to manage and control especially for beginners. This is because shared hosting often comes with the well-known cPanel that lets you control your hosting, email, and more. This is the most important reason for the hosting, we advise visitors to use good cPanel hosting.

Therefore, shared hosting is considered the most suitable type of hosting for beginners and sites in the beginning. A shared hosting service often comes in the form of more than one package with different specifications and prices to suit the needs of most users.

Most popular hosting companies :

  1. Bluehost (Best for WordPress Websites).
  2. Hostgator.
  3. Digital Ocean.
  4. NameCheap.
  5. DreamHost.

Note: All these companies have all the types of hosting services and more. also, You can find a complete comparison between Bluehost & HostGator HERE.

2. Cloud Hosting.

Cloud hosting is one of the latest types of web hosting and differs from regular hosting in that it does not depend on only one device to host the site and its files.

Rather, cloud hosting depends on hosting the site on more than one server connected to each other in a cloud-like manner, which means more strength and stability for the hosting and the site as well.

Since your site is hosted on more than one server at the same time, there will be more security in terms of not stopping the site if the server stops because if the server your site is on stops, one of the other servers will automatically replace it.

Cloud hosting is also flexible as you can add additional hosting resources such as processor, RAM, and storage space as you want from within the control panel easily.

One of the best cloud hosting companies that provide high-quality cloud hosting is HostGator, which offers high-quality cloud hosting in the form of 3 different packages with a cPanel control panel in addition to another control panel to monitor resource consumption and also offers a free domain as a gift with hosting for our visitor’s. (Just click on any web hosting links in this article and you will get a discount when signing up with any of these companies ).

3. VPS Web Hosting.

Virtual Private Server, also known as VPS, is one of the types of hosting, which is the intermediate level between shared hosting and a full server.

It is similar in its structure to shared hosting where the full server is shared between more than one user but the number of users is much less than shared hosting.

As can be seen from the name, in virtual servers, the complete server is divided into a group of smaller virtual servers by some software.

These virtual servers are separate from each other and each virtual server has a dedicated portion of the full server resources and does not share these resources with other users and virtual servers can be divided into shared hosting accounts.

Virtual servers are more powerful, secure, and better in performance than shared hosting, but still less powerful than a full server, so a virtual server is less expensive than a full server.

4. Dedicated Hosting.

A full server or Dedicated Server is the most powerful and largest type of web hosting. And when you get a full server, you get the entire server machine and no one else shares it with you, so it is the most secure and powerful hosting service.

But managing and controlling a full server is difficult and requires someone with experience in managing servers.

And since you get the whole server for yourself, it is the most affordable web hosting service. But a lot of good Dedicated Server hosting companies, such as this company, this company, this company, this company, and this company, who offer very big discounts of up to more than 50% of the price of the full server for our visitors.

- WordPress Hosting.

WordPress is the most popular CMS content management system that manages more than 30% of all websites, including the hosting site.

WordPress is completely free but needs hosting in order to run on it.

Although WordPress works on almost all types of hosting, the large number of users has made web hosting companies provide a dedicated hosting service for WordPress sites with optimizations and tools dedicated to WordPress that increase the speed of hosting and improve its performance.

Among the features and tools that come with WordPress hosting are an automatic cache system, easy one-click installation of WordPress on the hosting, backup of the hosting in addition to technical support specialized in solving WordPress problems, and many other features.

We have prepared a comprehensive guide on how to buy a dedicated domain name, host it on Bluehost, and set up a WordPress site HERE.



Salam Othman

this blog is about email marketing , affiliate marketing , traffic for your business , YouTube , earning money online and more.