How Astrology Helped Me Uncover My True Self

Astrology 101 lead me to self-discovery.

Salathia Richburg
4 min readOct 6, 2020
Photo by Farzad Mohsenvand on Unsplash

First, let us start with the one question that led me down this rabbit hole.

What is a birth chart?

Want the short answer? The short answer is, a birth chart is a snapshot of the sky at the exact time and location of when you were born. It is basically a map of the planets, sun, and moons.

Chinese culture believes that a person should never give out their birthday and the time they were born. Why? Because they believe that your birth chart can tell your faith and people could use that against you.

Okay before you look puzzled, that is not the part that leads me to self-discovery. Be patient, we are getting there. I promise it is worth it!

“…the research took me down a rabbit hole that unfolded some things about myself that I was in denial about.”

Primal Triad — The Foundation

The primal triad is your sun, moon, and ascendant.

Your sun sign represents you as a person aka your personality.

Your moon sign represents your emotions aka your emotional side. Also known as the true sign of your soul.

Lastly, your ascendant represents how others perceive you aka the mask you wear.

I am a Scorpio with the soul of a Capricorn, wearing a mask of an Aries.

While researching my birth cart, I was able to find my Primal Triad. This is where everything unfolded.

My sun sign: Scorpio

My moon sign: Capricorn

Ascendant: Aries

This whole time I just thought I was one moody Scorpio. Turns out there are three sides to me.

But now what? What does this mean?

I started researching each sign separately to get a better understanding of the Scorpio within. Yes, I am dramatic but the research took me down a rabbit hole that unfolded some things about myself that I was in denial about.

Understanding the Scorpio within

The Scorpio within revealed multiple characteristics but here are the ones that seem most accurate:

  • Determined
  • Brave
  • Loyal
  • Honest
  • Ambitious
  • Jealous
  • Secretive
  • Resentful
  • Controlling
  • Stubborn

Understanding the Capricorn within

The Capricorn within represents the part of me that offers stability to love ones. I am known as the peacemaker when it comes to my family.

Quick story:

A few months ago two family members got into it. There was some family drama and lately, I haven’t been on the end of it. Can we quickly applaud my growth? (Claps while no one is around).

Anyway, I told both members they needed to understand each other and be more mindful. I listened to their side of the story while staying neutral.

I am not asking for all the credit (but I am taking it). I ended the civil war.


They love each other again!

Back to my inner Capricorn. Capricorns are known as the cardinal sign and it implies that I need to take action. The Capricorn within reflects my serious and responsible side.

I also get those traits from simply being an older sister but it’s okay, the horoscope article missed that part.

Overall, research reminded me that I have high expectations of others and I require the same level of energy and capacity. Another problem for another day but, I will be discussing that issue another day.

Basically, I am one complicated gal.

Understanding the Aries within

Let’s get straight to the point. Ha, that’s exactly what I learned about my Aries side. I like to get straight to the point and for the most part, I am direct.

I do have the bad habit of saying the same thing 10 different ways. That’s pretty direct no?

I also learned I enjoy being busy and I move toward my goals with no delay. I think that’s accurate. Let’s see, I own a business, I have a podcast, I go to school, and work part-time.

Not busy at all…

The Aries within revealed I love to debate and argue but, it reminded me I need to pick and choose my battles.

Do you remember when I mentioned the family drama? The one I had NOTHING to do with? (Still waiting for you to applaud me on the growth.) At that point, I had gotten so good with picking and choosing my battles that none came my way.

So the real question is, “did Astrology really help me discover my true self?”

Let me share some facts and I’ll tell you.

  • An Astrologer by the name of Chain Nicholas said “horoscopes are like a gateway drug.”
  • Shakespeare references Astrology in his writing. Example: Romeo and Juliet.
  • Scientists do not consider Astrology science because it did not pass their “science tests.”
  • From 2016 to 2017 reviews on YouTube and Facebook increased significantly aka Astrology got very popular.

So back to the question. Did Astrology help me discover myself?


My birth chat helped me understand where my characteristics come from. Which sign brings out what in me. Do I believe in Horoscopes? That is a different question for a different day.

What I do believe is sometimes we need to analyze ourselves. This helps us grow and focus on changing for the better. Learning about my birth chart and horoscope signs helped me get intuned with myself.

Try it out, you’ll be surprised what you’ll get.

I want to leave you with one last thing:

I am a Scorpio with the soul of a Capricorn, wearing a mask of an Aries.

What are you?

The research for today's article comes from the Netflix series Explained,, and

