The Nimona Phenomenon (no spoilers)

James Sald
4 min readSep 22, 2023


First of all, let me express my feelings a bit and say: Wow! What a movie! I love watching a film without knowing what it’s about and being amazed. It’s a fantastic feeling, like your loved one waking you up and giving you a chocolate. What made me watch it was a short video about the film on YouTube where a user posted a video titled: Nimona and Ballister being a chaotic duo. I first fell in love with the animation, the art. So fluid, so beautiful. The art, which reminds me a lot of a video game, left a lasting impression on me, and there was no way around it; right then and there, I knew I had to watch the film. I found out where it was from, Netflix. I subscribed for the film, and I don’t think I need to say that it was worth it. There’s just one thing that annoys me when I really like a movie: when it ends.

Now, I’ve jotted down some things worth mentioning about this film, and the first on the list is: Wow, it’s so well animated! I think it’s been a while since I’ve seen a movie so well animated, the poses, the facial expressions, the way it flows, and the art direction, again, wow! It’s a satisfying experience to watch this film from start to finish. I know this might hurt the feelings of our colorblind friends, but my goodness, what a delightful color palette selection that adds the finishing touch to the animation. Truly surprising.

The second item on my list, let’s see. Ah yes! The story is really engaging and fun with unforgettable moments that would make great memes. Various clever twists, a type of humor that can make you laugh without being exaggerated or trying to be something it’s not. The story knows its limits well and when to act as the situation demands. The unfolding of the film has its clichés, which is normal in animations, but it is surpassed by the brilliance of handling these clichés with excellent timing, making the situation more human and relatable.

In the third item of my notes are the characters. Since Nimona is the main character, I’ll start with her. What energy! She’s a character who can rejuvenate your spirit. Naturally, as I have my own traumas, I can perceive the real reason behind this electric mask. It’s a way we have to try to forget our past and keep moving forward. Of course, often depression can weigh you down, and I admit, it’s tough.

Well, we also have our dear, how can I say, second protagonist? His name is Ballister Blackheart, and he shares the screen with our beloved Nimona all the time. He’s an extremely well-crafted character, showing what it takes to truly be a hero, which means not conforming to the hero stereotype and discovering what really matters.

The other character I want to talk about is Ballister’s boyfriend, Ambrosius Goldenloin. And the reason I’m adding him to this list is for everything he had to go through. Suspicion, repressed anger, a turning point, and understanding. Together, Ambrosius and Ballister form a beautiful couple that undoubtedly goes through a difficult journey with events that can be subtly perceived as figurative forms of real-life problems for many. Watching these two on screen, you will undoubtedly find yourself there.

The list goes on, and the fourth item on my list is generations. The film also manages to subtly yet impactfully address a subject that I often think about: how generations can pass on their wrong teachings and bad habits to the next generations. In the film, it’s represented by a child holding a sword against what they don’t understand, out of fear caused by their parents’ ignorance. Thus, creating generations and generations of children and adults who not only lack their own critical thinking but also generate an almost endless cycle of people judging others without truly knowing them and, worse, without knowing themselves. Fortunately, awareness is growing more and more, giving us hope for a better world.

And so, I come to the end of my notes, adding just one more thing that brought me great joy, which is hearing one of my favorite bands in the film. I’m talking about none other than Metric! The moment is brief, but I can’t help but express how happy it made me. I won’t spoil which song it is so that the thrill still happens when the music starts playing and catches you off guard.

In conclusion, this film was worth every second, and it’s a movie I will definitely watch again. Especially because I will show it to my beloved! Sometimes, I like to watch a movie alone first and then show it because there’s a huge advantage to that. When I watch it again, I already know what to expect, so I don’t need to worry as much about the details. That way, I can pay attention to the person’s reaction.

