How to Get Started With Flutter (Magical Steps)

Salik Saleem
3 min readDec 14, 2022


mobile apps , programming, installations
Photo by Yura Fresh on Unsplash

If you are following me you are well aware I am curious about different technologies and want to get my hands dirty on multiple frameworks to get a better idea what their pros and cons, use cases, etc.

I am a full-stack blockchain developer and haven't study about any android or don’t have experience in mobile app development. I am listening to flutter as a good framework for mobile application development .

So in this article, we will go through how we can install flutter in our system and run an app on windows without any hustle. You should only follow these three steps. Later on, I will discuss how’s my experience with mobile apps as a Web developer.

1. Install Flutter

I will save you time by looking into documentation and following each and every step. I recommend you should read the documentation but don’t worry I will help your out to save your time

Just simply create an src directory in your C disk

your directory should look like this


now go to this directory

and simply clone

git clone -b stable

make sure you have git installed and configured in your system.

it will take some time . After it's done it will look like this.


Now open the flutter console file

it will look like this

now enter

flutter doctor


it will show you which things need to be installed in your system.

Important Point

Configure flutter in env variable

go to search and enter “env”

environemnt variables

this will help you to run your flutter commands throughout the system

2. Download android studio

The benefit of installing android studio it will provide us, with an emulator, where we can view our app running in real-time devices.

Simply go to the android studio website and download with according

to your system requirements. Configure it.

It will help you a lot in debugging and viewing.

3. Install VS Code

This is the easiest step just download vs code.As we all know VSCode is one of the best code editors I am using right now with it’s wonderful extensions.

vs code extension

One extension that you need to install is simply going to the extension tab.

Click on install and you are good to go.

Now simply open your command prompt and write

flutter create my-app

this will create a boilerplate for your application

Now simply write flutter run. this will run your app in android studio.

I hope every step will help you out. if you still face any problems let me know in the comments.If you like this type of content follow me

Happy Coding

Salik Out!



Salik Saleem

Software Engineer | MERN Stack | Web3 | Blockchain enthusiastic | Crypto savvy | Freelancer