4 Interesting Ideas about Display Boxes

Saleena zoey
4 min readMar 4, 2022


There are different packaging options available that can help a brand stand out and increase sales. It is important to fix out the right one which is perfect for your product and appeals to the customer base as well. Display packaging is a popular option. The main aim of this is to compel consumers to want to purchase the merchandise. When these are designed in a unique way, they increase the look of the product. The boxes play a role in encouraging customers to try out what is being sold.

Interesting Facts about Display Packaging

This type of packaging is popular amongst retailers as well as businesses. The retail store can look attractive with them. The custom display boxes are placed in a prominent area which allows them to be seen. Therefore, businesses are attracted to the product placed in them.

The boxes are designed to be strong. They have to be attractive and can make a store look good. They help increase brand awareness.

What are Display Boxes?

These are those boxes that allow products to stand out in a store. They are used mostly to promote products. When they are designed to be strong and of good quality, they attract consumers towards them. They are used to showcase items attractively.

The following are 4 ideas when it comes to display boxes:

Design So That Customers Are Drawn Towards Them:

These boxes need to attract potential customers. When they notice them, they will check them out. You need to find out details about who your consumers are.

Check to see their age, gender, geographical location, purchasing habits, etc. The product that you are selling is important.

For instance, if you are promoting candies for kids, the packaging will be bright and colorful. It can have cartoon images. There will be information that will help convince parents to buy the merchandise for their children.

Choose Right Materials:

The right materials need to be choose to make the boxes from. The boxes are precious and they have to give a good impression of the business.

The material has to be strong. Choose one that is of the correct weight as well as thickness. You can look at the paperboard over here. This gives wonderful printing results and provides much protection to the products. It should be able to keep the products safe from any harm.

You have to keep your product in mind here. For instance, you can choose paperboard for cosmetics, pharmaceutical items, etc. Corrugated cardboard is another popular option. The material is flexible and also sturdy.

Cardboard is chosen by brands as well. You will get a durable box here. Many customization features can be pursued on it. The material can be modified according to the requirements of the product.

Increase Brand Awareness:

Use the boxes to make people know about your brand. You want consumers to want to buy from you again. Give them a clear brand identity. The boxes allow you to print your logo on them. The logo must be one that can be remembered. It must be short and should be noticed on other products of yours.

The logo must relate to your brand. Choose a good font and font color for it. Include a good slogan, tagline, brand colors as well. It will help you stand out and be known. When consumers notice these things on your other packaging they will be drawn towards the product and want to check it out.

You can include other information on the boxes. It can be your physical address, phone number, email address, social media links. It must be simple for consumers to get a hold of you when they need to.

But do not add too many details that it bombards people with information. Choose a good font to add this in. It must be attractive.

Print Attractively

The display box must be eye-catching. Choose printing techniques that will highlight your creativity as well as innovation. It’s a good idea to settle up the modern and cost-effective printing technologies. This includes stuff like screen printing plus laser printing. These can let you make a box that stands out and allows the product to look more wonderful.

Consider which colors will give a good feeling to people. Research on color psychology and use these properly over here. Choose the right images and patterns to include.

The texture of packaging matters as well. It enhances the sensory experience that customers have. You can consider embossing as well as debossing here. It is possible to coat boxes with the help of raised UV coating and soft-touch coating. These also improve the texture.

What is trending in your market? Trends provide people with ideas that they can use to make something different. For instance, if you want to package jewelry for adult ladies you may want to consider having simple and decent packaging. Metallic boxes can help out here as they give the impression of elegance.

By looking at trends you can also see what is failing. It will let you know what not to do when it comes to packaging. You can find out what colors and typography is attracting potential buyers and increasing sales.

The above are 4 interesting ideas that you can keep in mind when it comes to display packaging. If you can make good-quality boxes that are attractive, it can help the brand and product be noticed. If you know this you can design packaging that they will like. Keep the product in mind as well. The boxes must be able to keep them secure from any external influences and harm. If you invest in the best, you can increase sales and profits for the business.

