My English Proficiency Certificate

4 min readMar 8, 2017

The Certificates of This Specialization Degree has been granted by The Department of English , at The University of Washington , in The United States , Obtained Through The Coursera Platform Authorized Certificates

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  • The English Business Communications Specialization is one of the International & English Language Programs, at the University of Washington, and it is a University degree granted to the specialization graduated students who have completed its educational track, become an Expert in the Business Communication in the English language after mastering how to communicate effectively in English in professional contexts. improved their ability to write and speak English in both social and professional interactions, by learning terminology and skills that they could apply to their social and business practical life.

The Specialization Program has been taught by the following English language lecturers:

1 — Richard Moore: lecturer in the English Language Programs at the University of Washington.

2 — Daphne Mackey: lecturer in the English Language Programs

3 — Wendy Asplin: lecturer in the English Language Programs

The Specialization Educational Track

This Specialization is consisting of Four Intensive English Language Courses arranged in a sequential manner, followed by a final practical project “The Capstone Project” which must be unlocked by obtaining the five courses certificates, and those courses were arranged as the following:

  • 1 — Networking : The objectives of this Course is developing the student business vocabulary so he could communicate in English with high proficiency, improving his writing professional emails capacities, and developing his networking skills so he could arrange a business meeting effectively.

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  • 2 — Meetings : This course purpose is to teach the student vocabulary and skills related to participating in meetings. developing their vocabulary for the terms and phrases used both in email and in speaking to arrange, participate in, and conclude meetings. which will enable the student to participate effectively in on-site meetings and teleconferences and write a proposal as an outcome of a meeting.

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3 — Planning & Negotiating : This course has been designed to help the student to master the language and strategies for successful negotiations culminating in a written announcement for an event, Negotiate strategically in formal and informal settings, Evaluate and compare services and features of two venues and how to Plan a business event using negotiation skills.

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4 — Making Presentations : This course teaches the student language and techniques that will help him make effective presentations in English. The course focuses gaining the students the ability to Present information in an organized and engaging way, Explaining and Sharing insights about the data in charts and graphs and Using a persuasive language to deliver an efficient presentation to the audience

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5 — The Capstone Project : The goal of this course is to demonstrate competence in writing and presenting a plan using skills and language appropriate for business. For this final project, he would use formal, written methods and more casual visual and audio presentations to communicate with others so he could demonstrate his ability to use English language appropriate for different business contexts.

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