Benefits We Obtain from Rotator Cuff Stretches

Salerno April
2 min readAug 28, 2019


If you would like to regain or maintain the strength of your muscles, you should consider doing rotator cuff exercises or stretches. The primary stabilizer of the shoulder joint is the one that is called a cuff. When the shoulder or arm is in motion, there is a ball in the upper that also moves to allow a stretch. If the ball is held tight when the shoulder moves, an abnormal stretch will happen on the other muscles that surround it. If that exercise is done again, and the ball still does not make a move, you may experience a sharp pain because the muscles might tear a little bit.

Everyone should try to make his or her cuff strong. For it to be strong, you need to do some exercises regularly. Rotator cuff exercises or stretches can help you strengthen the cuff and muscles surrounding the shoulder if done daily. If you involve yourself in rotator cuff stretches or exercises, you will have avoided some common problems. Some of the issues you will have avoided if you do such exercises are like tendonitis, tears, shoulder impingement, and also calcification. Check out this link to know more.

Tendons can become less elastic and likely to suffer injuries as we grow old. When aging knocks our doors, the mass will keep reducing because the production of other muscles does not happen. However, you can avoid those changes and week muscles around the shoulders if you do some regular exercise like stretch rotator cuff. When such exercises are done regularly, the cuff heals faster when it gets injured and more to that, the muscles appear to be stronger.

Our arms can move because of cuff muscles. Every muscle plays an essential role in our bodies, and it does not matter whether it is small, large, thin, or thick. For you to make a specific direction, there is a muscle that allows such a movement to be made. Because of that reason, it is essential to maintain the muscle strength balance around the cuff area. When such muscles are strong, you can move your hands in any direction without triggering pain. You can involve yourself in exercises that involve hand movement like swimming, volleyball, basketball, or throwing to make the muscles strong. Even though such exercises benefit our body in terms of flexible movement, you should not stretch when you feel a sharp pain. You should stretch up to the level you feel comfortable to avoid muscle tear and wear.

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