Affordable Online Classes to Keep Your Mind Sharp and Spirit Young Beat the Tick Tock Clock! in 2024

5 min readJan 18, 2024


How to Invest in Yourself and Stay Mentally Match Fit as You Age

Yikes, the Years are Flying By! Why Learning is the Fountain of Youth Tick tock, my friends. Can you hear Father Time’s swift footsteps in the hall, his pace quickening by the day?

  • checks watch*

Yep, we’re definitely getting older by the minute here people. Now I know coming to terms with one’s own mortality ain’t exactly peppy breakfast conversation…but hey, them’s just the breaks! Circle of life and all that, you feel me?

Point is, while we can’t turn back the clock (how rude of Time not to include an undo function!) we CAN determine how to best spend these precious, fleeting moments we’ve got left.

*gets dramatic*

Today could be our LAST, folks! *gasp*

So as that first gray hair sprouts or your knees start creaking when you stand up (welcome to the club), it’s time for some hard truth.

Our youth? Well, ship’s sailed folks.

But! Though wrinkles may carve their way across our faces like the valleys and ridges of the grand canyon…

Our minds NEED NOT succumb to the merciless erosion of time. Nope!

In fact our noodle’s neuroplasticity allows it to continue forming new connections and adapting with consistent learning NO MATTER our age.

Hallelujah, right??

So while you can’t halt that exponentially increasing number of candle wishes each birthday (sorry bout it)….

You CAN nurture the growth mindset of a bright-eyed bushy tailed youth by making learning, skill development, and mental stimulation NON-NEGOTIABLE priorities from here on out!

When it comes to aging gracefully, keeping our minds engaged and hungry is the ONLY way folks.

Sure, maybe our bodies aren’t quite as snappy. Joints creak a little more, recovery takes a little longer, blah blah blah.

But keeping our brains active and expanding our knowledge? That’s the REAL fountain of youth, baby!

Learning new skills and information lights up our noggin’s with child-like awe and wonder (just try something totally novel that makes you go “woahhhhhh”).

It also provides a heck of a lot more interesting dinner conversation than discussing prescription changes or doctor referrals, lemme tell ya!

So listen up all you creaky kneed, reading glass toting, more napping by the day folk!

If you wanna stay quick as a whip mentally and emotionally while keeping that youthful spring in your step?

Learning something new every single day is an absolute must.

Then no matter how long in the tooth we get, our minds will stay fresh and engaged! Now won’t that be sweet?

The Keys to Lifelong Learning Success

Now I know the thought of homework deadlines and rigid course schedules is probably sending some hardcore PTSD style flashbacks of your more, ahem, “youthful” classroom days..

But have no fear! Learning as an adult doesn’t have to conjure nightmares of pop quizzes and detention slips.

Thanks to flexible online education platforms like Skillshare, feeding our brains new material daily can happen on OUR terms!

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I’m talkin’ short, engaging video lessons, choice discussion forums, remote collaborations with other learners, and TONS of inspiration to put new skills into action.

Gone are the days of hour long lectures on obscure ancient military battles or the utterly baffling calculus equations.

(Seriously, when have you EVER had to find the derivative of an obtuse triangle in the real world? Asking for a friend.)

Instead, online learning through communities like Skillshare offers simple, step-by-step training in everything from design and photography to marketing tactics and cooking skills lead by real world experts who keep things FUN.

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You get to pick subjects that genuinely excite YOU while connecting with other learners for insight and encouragement.

And with the ability to complete quick classes from anywhere, carving out 20 minutes for a lesson video here and there amidst life’s general chaos is totally doable!

For real, if you can find time for doom scrolling social media or watching Real Housewives, you’ve got time to nourish your brain! It’s all about priorities, baby!

Plus, Skillshare makes the process crazy affordable so you can sample a range of topics without tanking your retirement fund.

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We’re talking just pennies a day! What other lifelong learning platforms offer so many inspiring classes for less than the price of your daily Dunkies run, huh??

C’mon people, let’s get our minds in the game! We gotta start putting learning FIRST if we wanna stay mentally match fit!

And once we make education a consistent habit? Man oh man.

The personal growth, career opportunities, and purpose you’ll unlock by continuously developing new skills will have you wondering why you didn’t do this YEARS ago!

Seriously. The phrase “teach an old dog new tricks” clearly never met Skillshare! This young pup is about to learn SO many tricks thanks to you!

*barks excitedly*

So What Are You Waiting For? Time Keeps Ticking!

In case I haven’t stressed it enough friends…we ain’t getting younger over here!

*insert hilarious sitcom laugh track*

That’s just the cold hard truth. While movie magic promises eternal youth and magazine covers try convincing us “60 is the new 30!” …..let’s get real.

Wrinkles are deepening by the day, aches and pain come quicker with each passing year, and noggin’s are losing their sharpness as retirement looms.

Such is life in all its messy mortality! C’est la vie!

But that doesn’t mean we have to SETTLE for a dull mind or unfulfilled ambitions. Nosiree bob!

Thanks to the instant access to engaging education that platforms like Skillshare provide…..

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It’s NEVER too late to master new skills, embrace new challenges, and step courageously towards the boldest version of yourself!

So why deny yourself the personal growth and possibility that comes through prioritizing learning daily??

C’mon folks, look alive! The clock is ticking faster than ever before.

Take it from little ‘ole me — once you hit 30, the years start flying by faster than a NASCAR race!

Think of it like a high stakes game of beat-the-clock towards greater fulfillment and understanding of the world around ya!

And while you can’t regain time lost, every minute invested in actively expanding your knowledge pays untold dividends towards your future.

Not to mention keeping that sharp mind of yours honed to perfection! And hey, not sweating the small mental slip ups quite so much.

I mean getting a little forgetful comes with the territory folks! Just try and find me someone over 60 who HASN’T walked into a room and forgotten why they went in there at least a dozen times this week!

*chuckles softly in solidarity*

But through consistent learning and skill development? Our minds build resilience against skill fade over time. And boy does that peace of mind feel GOOD!

So c’mon friends! Let’s step towards the bright horizons ahead TOGETHER, eh?

*reaches out hand enthusiastically*

Whaddya say we start chasing our boldest dreams and highest potential the ONLY way to truly turn back time…

Through the consistently rejuvenating, optimism boosting, purpose instilling power of lifelong LEARNING!

Sign up for free and get 30 days free courses

*cue triumphant instrumental music*

The clock’s ticking people! Let’s make every moment count and invest in ourselves via Skillshare right NOW!




Dog and Cat lover but also a Marketing Article Specialist and Content Strategist [ follow back]