Attractive Advertisement Advice and Tips

4 min readJun 21, 2019


Photo by Fredrick Suwandi on Unsplash

Do you remember the classic Ferrero Rocher advertisement, the Cadbury commercials or the GATSBY hair wax video? Why do some advertisements stay so memorable, so evergreen? What’s the secret? (PS: It is relevant to social science.)

Now, let me present you with 4 tips.

1. Power of Rhyme

Rhyme, the occurrence of having or ending of words, syllables, or lines have that corresponds to another. For instance, Apple’s Mac Pro had this advertisement ending with “Beauty outside. Beast inside.”

Studies have shown that sentences which rhyme are twice as memorable than those without rhyming. Due to the rhyme, our brains process it more easily and it feels ‘right’. Intuitively, we accept it, and do not question as much.

Thus, using rhyme improves consumers’ perception and memorability of a brand.

2. Surprise

Just like any movie, as consumers, we hope for something different from our expectations. We sit and watch, waiting for a surprise or plot twist somewhere throughout the movie.

A surprise, is more likely to be memorable. Social scientists have discovered that when we’re surprised, our brains’ reward center is activated. Following that, our emotions intensify by about 400%. This makes it easier to focus and remember what we just saw.

And very surprisingly, Coca-Cola took its advertising to a whole new level by making ads drinkable. Compared to print ads and video commercials, the advertisements for its Coke Zero included the usage of other applications and platforms so that customers are really trying the drink. Engaging the 5 senses instead of simply enticing Coke lovers on screen, was indeed a surprise. This resulting in performances higher than projected.

3. Plot Twist and Emotions

I mean, when we see print ads, most of them are screaming “Buy Me!” Well, that’s generalization, but consumers need a sense of attachment to your marketing materials; be it print or video advertisements or even newsletters. No one would be willing to buy if they could predict how an advertisement will end.

Stories involve more parts of the brain than mere facts and figures do. Hearing or reading stories involve many other parts of the brain, including regions that process action, scent, and touch.As such, when we hear or read a story, we understand the information better and remember it longer.

In today’s world, Thai advertisements have been the king of using the plot twist technique. The advertisements have a common trend: trigger your emotions, then the advertisement appears.

Let’s watch one:

Tear’s shed. Let’s move on.

4. Power of Visuals

Social scientists refer to the Picture Superiority Effect. Essentially, we recall better by pictures than text. If the message delivered incorporates pictures, probability of noticing and remembering the advertisement increases. How do we add this to amp up our marketing strategies?

Credits: WWF

You can either add pictures accompanying text or have charts and graphs to make it seem more credible. That way, consumers are more assured and convinced.

Credits: WWF

Make your visuals speak to the target audience. Bigger, bolder text or having statistics to prove your point on the call to action are ways you can enhance impact of visuals on consumers.

Well, the most powerful technique is none other than sincerity.
The more hardselling an advertisement is, the less likely consumers are going to buy the product or service. No one would want to be forced to purchase. As a result, powerful advertisements include sincere messages.

As mentioned above, there are many ways to make your advertisement more unique and unforgettable. And many of them can be backed up by social science. Whichever method you use, do be sincere.

Let us know if you have had a new takeaway from the article. Happy marketing!

For our full article on advertising tips, check it out here!

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