The 2015 State of B2B Marketing: New Research from Salesforce

Salesforce for Marketers
2 min readApr 29, 2015

It’s no surprise that B2B and B2C marketers have different goals and strategies. In January, we released new research on the overall state of marketing — including businesses of all sizes and types, based on the responses of 5,000+ global marketers.

Now we’re separating B2B from B2C marketers. Today, we present you with data about B2B trends, goals, and obstacles in 2015 with the 2015 State of B2B Marketing.

Using survey responses from 2,100+ marketers, this report takes a look at what B2B marketers are really thinking and dealing with this year.

Here’s a sneak peek at some of our findings:

  • 84% of B2B marketers plan to increase or maintain their spend in 2015.
  • 34% of B2B marketers plan to shift spend from traditional mass advertising to advertising on digital channels.

Top business challenges for B2B marketers:

  • New business development (33%)
  • Quality of leads (32%)
  • Demand and lead generation (27%)

Seventy-three percent of B2B marketers believe email marketing is core to their business; 59% say email is a critical enabler of products and services.

Forty-nine percent of B2B marketers always or often use responsive design in emails.

Among B2B marketers using mobile channels, 53% have integrated mobile marketing into their overall strategy — meaning they’ve incorporated either SMS, push notifications, mobile apps, or location-based functionality.

B2B marketers rate CRM as the most critical technology to create a cohesive customer journey.

Today’s successful B2B marketer recognizes that technology changes daily. With these rapid changes, it’s increasingly important for B2B marketers to build relationships on a one-to-one level and provide relevant content at meaningful moments.

No matter which tactics, channels, and strategies you adopt, remember that every touchpoint is an opportunity to improve and influence the digital customer journey.

How do your strategies align with our findings? Download the full report for the complete B2B insights and recommendations.

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