From Founders to Marketing: The Content Handoff

By Leah Bell

3 min readSep 11, 2015

It’s not news that content marketing is a powerful tool in SaaS. From case studies to eBooks to blog posts, the industry thrives on tangible credibility behind each sale. Content machines like Salesforce and Moz recognize this need for content generation, and they strive every day to provide value to the lives of SaaS sales professionals with insight to stay agile, knowledgeable and relevant.

Of all the content generating avenues, the one that seems most attainable for companies is blogging. The concept seems simple enough to create, easy enough to complete daily, and relevant enough to get regular readers. But that’s when the art of blogging is underestimated.

When SalesLoft first started, CEO Kyle Porter wrote each and every blog post. At the time, he was the only one in the thick of every single aspect of the company — from the product, team, to the the daily sales grind — making him the single most qualified voice of the company.

This worked for a while. Heck, he was even’s top guest blogger in 2013. But what Kyle didn’t have on his hands at the time were employees, revenue, customers, or all of the million other issues that come with running a company and get in the way of writing. He knew he had to take it upon himself to develop the next generation of content leaders, and create a team that could write better than what he used to write.

But how was he to overcome the obstacles of creating a content team that didn’t have the same domain experience as him, or interact as much with other departments or leaders in the space?

It was with these challenges that Kyle discovered four strategies to train a content marketing team that writes better than founders:

-Kyle Porter, How to Train Content Marketing Staff to Write Better than Founders

Creating shareable marketing content is important. Creating content that is actually going to add value to the lives of other sales reps in the SaaS industry is the real challenge.

Blogging is an excellent way to achieve these goals, but when you’re working with a team of content creators who aren’t necessarily founder-level experts in the space, you have to find ways to train them to write as a founder would write. By forming a mastermind group, consuming the best content, prioritizing great questions, and running a milestone-based production process — even the most novice of marketers can create great content.

Take the time to invest in your content marketing team and you will accomplish your mission of creating a successful, thriving SaaS blog.

In this e-book, we take lessons from Salesforce’s Content Marketing Team to help you measure your content marketing strategy. Download your copy today!

