How Salesforce’s Woman of the Month Turned Her Side Job Into A #Dreamjob

By Sarah Boutin

3 min readNov 30, 2015

Molly Q. Ford had a successful, fulfilling career promoting products as Senior Manager of Public Relations at Salesforce. Yet her true passion was for promoting diverse workplaces, fueling the conversation about inclusion and equality, and advancing the position of women in technology.

So she found a way to turn her passion into her profession.

Today, Ford’s official role centers around evangelizing Salesforce as a best place to work and leading the PR efforts for the company’s diversity and inclusion intiatives, and she couldn’t be happier. We chatted with Salesforce’s Woman of the Month about how she made it all happen, and her best advice for others looking to get paid to do what they love. Check it out.

I started my journey at Salesforce four years ago in product PR, handling press and messaging for Marketing Cloud, Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, and more. In 2013 I began a partnership with Leyla Seka, SVP and GM of, and as we began to weave our product story, we inevitably ended up chatting about her personal passion for mentoring, advancing women, and developing leadership skills.

The more we talked, the more I realized that we were on to something big. This was my chance to channel my values of equality, inclusion, and advancing women’s position into my full-time job. So I went for it.

I helped champion Leyla’s passion into a narrative, gaining positive press coverage and elevating her profile through articles in the Wall Street Journal and TechRepublic. The topic inspired and excited me, and I dreamed up a conference that would empower and elevate women in technology. Leyla helped me turn that dream into reality, and the first Women’s Leadership Summit at Dreamforce 2015 was born, addressing issues like S.T.E.M. education, company culture, family leave policies, and closing the gender wage gap. It was amazing.

This is just the beginning for me. I’m thrilled to continue bringing attention to these important issues in new and different ways. Although my journey is unique, I learned a few valuable lessons along the way that I believe can benefit others. Here are my top three pieces of advice for others looking to infuse their passions into their profession.

Pay Attention

Because I was tuned in to my environment, I picked up on Leyla’s passion for women’s advancement quickly and realized that it could become a growth area for me. Similarly, you should always keep your eyes and ears open for new opportunities. Try to approach your company and your career with a beginner’s mind, always considering new and different ways you can make an impact.

Know Your Passions

I have known for a long time that diversity and inclusion issues are very important to me, which made me immediately spring into action when the topic came up. If you are clear about what your interests and passions are, you will be notice right away when the right opportunities cross your path and can pursue them proactively. If you’re not sure exactly what your passions are, take some time to write them down, then think about ways you may be able to incorporate them into your current or future position.

Challenge Yourself

I am a PR professional, not an events professional, so taking on the Women’s Leadership Summit and working with the world-class Dreamforce events team was a huge learning experience and a great privilege. The event coordination was challenging, and it stretched my skills in organization and communication. Don’t shy away from unfamiliar or intimidating areas — the most challenging projects are the very ones that will make you a stronger professional.

The Salesforce Woman of the Month campaign turns the spotlight on the amazing women who help make Salesforce the World’s Most Innovative Company (according to Forbes) and one of Fortune Magazine’s Best Companies to Work For. Honorees are nominated by fellow employees and selected by a dedicated committee that works to ensure a variety of roles and regions are honored.

To hear more from Molly Q. Ford, make sure to connect with her on Twitter and LinkedIn. And stay tuned for more career tips and tools for success from our next Salesforce Woman of the Month, coming your way next month.

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