New Sales Wave Dashboards Supercharge Sales Rep Productivity

2 min readFeb 10, 2016


By Jamie Domenici, VP Product Marketing, Analytics Cloud

In sales, the need for analytics changes constantly. Sales managers need real-time insights into their pipeline and team performance and sales reps need a complete view of their customer in order to inform an effective sales strategy. Flipping through a 30 tab Excel packet does not lend itself to these kinds of insights and more often than not, salespeople are left to make decisions based on their gut rather than data.

With Sales Wave, sales managers have the unprecedented ability to uncover actionable insights on everything from forecasts and pipelines to team performance and more, from any device. Armed with self-service analytics, managers are freed from static reports and can now take data-driven action in order to transform their team’s sales effectiveness.

We’re excited to further extend the power of Sales Wave to sales reps with new dashboards that supercharge productivity and empower sales reps to close more deals.

New dashboards include:

  • Pipeline Activity Management: Drive competition by benchmarking open and won opportunities in order to identify best practices around on key KPI’s such as average stage duration, average sales cycle and average of completed activities.
  • Upcoming Opportunities to Close: Easily drill into open opportunities and associated activities including logged tasks and upcoming events in order to identify which deals need to be pulled forward, where to focus attention in order to close deals.
  • Productivity and Leaderboard: Get a personalized view into daily activities in order to proactively manage business and identify the best course of action through visualizations of what type of activities are engaged in most and productivity trending over time. And with the Leaderboard dashboard, Sales reps can also see how their top performance metrics and productivity stats compared to their team.

Check out this video to learn more about how new Sales Wave dashboards are driving productivity for sales reps.

