Turbo-Charge Your Creativity with Data-Driven Inspiration from Unmetric

By Lux Narayan

4 min readSep 3, 2015

Social Studio provides easy-to-use publishing, engagement and analysis features integrated in one powerful platform. By connecting directly to Premier Content Partner’s Apps during your content marketing process you can quickly source the assets inspiration you need for creating engaging posts. We’ve initiated this blog series so you can hear from our partners and put their expertise to use. Make use of the Social Studio Unmetric app to discover and ideate on top performing social content to inform your content marketing efforts.

Imagine you’re the brand custodian of an amazing microbrewery. Thanksgiving is coming up in a few months; it’s still a while away, but your boss likes to be prepared and proactive. Besides, Thanksgiving is your dream holiday. I mean, who doesn’t want to brave your extended family and ‘give thanks’ for carefully brewed, flavored, hoppy goodness? You have the goods; now you need to formulate the perfect Facebook campaign — text, imagery, video, etc.

You’re racking your brain for ideas…but they just don’t seem to come. You’ve got Social Studio, your multi-platform social marketing tool open — some ideas come, but they’re fleeting, and you aren’t sure about them.

Are the campaigns you’re thinking of outdated? Do your competitors have the same idea? Are you losing your marketing mojo? How did Budweiser manage to find a puppy that was so adorable?

Looking for a creative boost?

If it’s inspiration you seek, all you need to do is connect your Workspace to the Unmetric app in Social Studio. Unmetric is a platform that covers all your social media benchmarking needs. One of Unmetric’s prime features, Inspire, is an ideation engine that showcases more than 150 million pieces of social content from more than 36,000 brands.

Think of Google — or any search engine, tailor-made to empower the modern marketer with fuel for creative, effective and engaging social content and campaigns — all driven by data.

Here’s how to use Inspire:

Step 1: Pick the subject of your next campaign:

Enter subject keywords in the search box. In this case, type ‘Thanksgiving.’ Alternatively, you can search for related terms like ‘turkey day,’ ‘thankful’ or even hashtags.

Step 2: Sift through and rearrange results

Facebook Posts related to Thanksgiving will appear along with corresponding images. Perhaps, you’d like to see Posts that engaged well with their audience? You can sort your results by:

  • Date
  • Engagement Score
  • Likes
  • Comments
  • Shares

Looking for Posts specific to your industry or geographical region? You can do that too. Just play around with the tabs across the top of the page.

And that’s pretty much it. Inspire isn’t just for Facebook; you can get a customized stream of the most engaging brand content from the Twittersphere too! Just follow the steps and boom, a creative boost within seconds.

How Can Inspire Help You?

Here are some of the ways Inspire can help you:

  • Conquer blank page syndrome by seeing examples of engaging content.
  • Validate your ideas. Are they original, or did a competitor beat you to it?
  • Shape your creative strategies. See what type of content resonated best with customers and plan accordingly.

Let’s get back to your results. One brand from another industry is posting recipes — perhaps you could post about beer-pairings for Thanksgiving recipes? Your competitor is using the hashtag #beersgiving, you wonder if you could throw in some beer slang too. Another competitor is giving away free stuff with their product — perhaps you could sell your custom-made, fall-colored bottle openers at a discount?

You keep scrolling down for more results, and two hashtags comes to you: #thankfulforbrew — for family-oriented fans and #findingmybeerings — for fans who are thankful that Thanksgiving happens only once a year.

It still needs to be perfected, but you know you’ve got the base of what could potentially be a great campaign.

You go back to thinking you’re awesome again.

You also do some nifty googling and find that the Budweiser puppy was actually a group of puppies — eight in total, therefore, eight times the adorableness. Because you’re that awesome.

P.S. Inspire is just one of the many amazing features on the Unmetric platform. Compare fan demographics, engagement scores, download PowerPoint decks ready to go, calculate your brand’s sentiment and do so much more.

Want to learn more about Social Studio? Get a demo today.

About the Author

Lux Narayan is an entrepreneur with a previous life in advertising and media planning. He is currently CEO & a co-founder at Unmetric, the only social media intelligence platform focused on brands. Before Unmetric, Lux was part of the founding team at Vembu Technologies, an online data backup company. He enjoys trekking in the Himalayas and scuba diving in tropical waters, in equal measure. Once he learns to fly, he hopes to spend more time off land than on it.

