Salesforce Interaction Studio

Salesforce BLOG
2 min readAug 16, 2020

The challenge is clear. Consumers are loyal to experiences, not companies. In fact, 52% of B2C customers say they’d switch brands if they didn’t feel they were getting a personalized experience. No one wants to lose half their customers to the competition.

And because consumers are humans — with a never-ending evolution of needs, passions, distractions, and desires — marketers need to develop strong, adaptable relationships with them by inspiring timely, relevant engagement everywhere a consumer interacts with a brand.

But that’s easier said than done. Many marketers are using disparate tools to manage channels, causing a disconnected experience for consumers. Plus, data regarding each individual isn’t shared between departments, which means multiple teams are trying to market to the same consumer. In short, there’s a lack of internal governance over marketing campaigns.

All this is happening while connected consumers are expecting incredible relationships and brand experiences. They’re so used to seeing their names in subject lines or tailored offers in their social media news feeds, consumers are embracing the brands that can go beyond those simple examples of personalization.

This is where real-time interaction management (RTIM) can help.

Manage real-time interactions with Salesforce



Salesforce BLOG

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