10 Essential Checks Before Launching Your Website

3 min readJul 25, 2023


The launch of a website is an exciting time, but it is critical to ensure that everything is in place to provide a consistent customer experience. Each stage in the process of establishing a good online website is critical, from analyzing the functioning of the web page to evaluating metadata and links. In this article, we’ll go through ten key checks you should run before launching your website to ensure a seamless and error-free customer experience.

Web Technology

Analyze Website Functionality:

Before going live, thoroughly test the functionality of your website. Check that every feature, form, and interactive element works as it should. Experiment with numerous scenarios, such as placing orders, submitting forms, and accessing other pages. This analysis will aid in identifying any issues or glitches that must be addressed before launch.

Benchmark Performance:

Examine the performance of your website to guarantee optimal loading speed and responsiveness. Use performance testing tools to assess the speed of your website and identify areas for improvement. A website that loads quickly is critical for user pleasure and search engine rankings.

Optimize Metadata:

Metadata has a huge impact on search engine appearance. Make certain that all web pages have accurate and appropriate meta titles and descriptions. This will help search engines understand your content and increase the organic search rankings of your website.

Check Links:

Examine all internal and external links on your website. Broken links can have a detrimental influence on both user experience and SEO. To ensure a seamless browsing experience for your visitors, use link-checking tools to identify and repair any broken links.


Test Cross-Browser Compatibility:

The best browser for you may not be the best browser for everyone. Test your website on a variety of browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, on a variety of devices and operating systems. Ensure that the rendering and functionality are consistent across platforms.

Check Mobile Responsiveness:

In today’s mobile-first environment, mobile responsiveness is crucial. Test your website on a variety of mobile devices to check that it adapts effectively to multiple screen sizes while remaining usable.

Create a recognizable brand:

Choose a consistent brand message and tone that you intend to deliver consistently. This will make you appear more authentic, credible, and memorable. Recognize your value proposition. Choose a mission and vision statement, and tagline that reflects the value and your brand identity. Choose colors and fonts that effectively communicate your brand’s identity.

Contact Forms and Communication Testing:

Check that all contact forms are operational and that you are receiving messages or inquiries from users. Any communication channels, such as chat support, should be tested to ensure they provide a seamless method of contact.

Links and Setting

Determine a launch date:

Choose a launch date when you’ve determined what needs to be done before the launch. Allow yourself at least one month. Most organizations budget two to three months for research, design, and development.

Conduct User Testing:

Finally, before publishing your website, undertake user testing with a chosen group of people. Collect input on the design, navigation, and usability of the website. This useful feedback can indicate potential faults and possibilities for improvement that were previously overlooked during development.

In short, launching a website entails far more than merely going live. You can ensure a flawless launch and an exceptional user experience by thoroughly analyzing website functionality, benchmarking performance, optimizing metadata, checking links, testing cross-browser compatibility and mobile responsiveness, determining launch data, and conducting user testing. Taking these steps will not only boost user pleasure but will also help your online website achieve higher search engine rankings and overall success.




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