Why does sweets play major role in India

Millet Sales
2 min readDec 18, 2023


Sweets play a significant role in Indian culture for various reasons, deeply rooted in tradition, social customs, and religious practices. Here are several factors contributing to the prominence of sweets in India:

Cultural Significance:

  • Sweets are an integral part of Indian culture and traditions. They are associated with celebrations, festivals, and special occasions, symbolizing joy, happiness, and auspiciousness. Offering and sharing sweets during festivals and ceremonies are common practices.

Religious Rituals:

  • Sweets hold religious significance in various Indian festivals and rituals. Offerings of sweets are made to deities during worship and ceremonies, and they are often distributed as prasad (blessed food) among devotees.

Hospitality and Social Bonding:

  • Offering sweets is a common way of expressing hospitality and warmth in Indian households. When guests visit, it is customary to offer them sweets as a gesture of welcome and goodwill. Sweets are also exchanged during social visits and gatherings.

Symbol of Celebration:

  • Sweets are synonymous with celebrations in India. Whether it’s a wedding, a birth, a birthday, or other milestones, the distribution and consumption of sweets are central to expressing joy and sharing happiness with others.

Gifts and Exchanges:

  • Sweets are often exchanged as gifts during festivals and special occasions. It is considered a thoughtful and auspicious gesture to give and receive sweets as gifts, signifying good wishes and positive sentiments.

Traditional Recipes:

  • India has a rich tradition of sweet-making with a wide variety of traditional recipes that have been passed down through generations. Each region has its own specialties, showcasing the diverse and colorful culinary heritage of the country.

Symbol of Prosperity:

  • Sweets, often made with ingredients like ghee, milk, and nuts, are associated with richness and prosperity. Their consumption is sometimes considered a symbol of good fortune and abundance.

Festivals Dedicated to Sweets:

  • Some Indian festivals, such as Diwali, are specifically associated with the preparation and consumption of sweets. During Diwali, households prepare an array of sweets to share with family and friends.

Sweets in Rituals and Ceremonies:

  • Sweets are an essential part of various rituals, ceremonies, and rites of passage in Indian life. From birth ceremonies to weddings, sweets are distributed and consumed to mark important life events.

