Emotional Transfer | The importance of Passion

Make Your Own Money
3 min readJul 7, 2019


No matter what it is you want to accomplish, being able to transmit your passion and excitement to other people will be crucial for great success.

Think of Elon Musk, he excited many brilliant minds about electric cars and going to Mars that he gets talented people to want to work for him. Some people can chose to work anywhere they want and they chose to help someone who can transfer passion to them.

If you want to start a business, do something with your kids, attract a partner or change the world, you need this skill. This skill is also essential if you want to sell people something that you believe is a good product. It also works if you are selling people on a good idea, which we all are!

How Do You Transfer Passion

You should start (obviously?) with something you are passionate about. At least it should be something you can muster genuine excitement for while describing it.

Right now, you can jot down on a piece of paper a few things you are really interested in. No matter what those things are, there are at least 10 thousand other people who are also interested in that.

Then learn to communicate, either via writing or video, your passion. All it takes is practice. Without persistence you will not get anything. With persistence and consistency, the world is yours.

Can You Turn Passion to Money

If you’re good at transferring passion and excitement about genuinely good things, then I believe that can be turned into financial security.

In order to do this, you will however need to learn some technical skills along the way. For example email marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, sales and more. These are not complex skills, they are skills you must have in our world. They do take consistency to accomplish.

I am in the process of learning these skills myself. Despite getting a phd in theoretical physics and a postdoc at harvard, I recognized my financial vulnerability and became determined to build my financial security. For me and the ones I love. These skills will help accomplish this.

Where Can You Learn This Stuff

Well, you can read different books, blogs, watch videos and take courses. It is best to go to somebody who is already doing it. One place to start is with people like Gary Vaynerchuk and Tai Lopez, two world class business influencers (at least according to Forbes).

I have taken courses with Tai Lopez. I did one that costs only 1$ to start, where you get a video every day for an entire year.

I will be reviewing this course and sharing insights with you as I learn more things. Of course, I also highly recommend you take the course directly from someone who is already making tens of millions.

