Embracing Web3 and Blockchain: Polkadot Decoded 2023

Salil Apte
4 min readJun 28, 2023

As a developer, it is always an added bonus to explore technologies outside of your comfort zone. Web3 and Blockchain revolutionise digital interactions, transactions and trust. Web3 is the decentralised internet empowering individuals, while blockchain ensures secure, transparent and, tamper-proof transactions. They enable greater control over digital identities and assets, driving innovation across industries.

Blockchain network

Polkadot Decoded 2023 took place at Copenhagen, Denmark between 28th and 29th June 2023 and is a landmark event scheduled every year to explore the ever increasing adaptation of the Web3 and Blockchain landscape along with the Polkadot network. The event showcases some of the best use-cases of Web3, Blockchain across digital transactions, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and in-depth sessions about current trends in the industry.

Polkadot Encode Club fosters collaboration and development within the Polkadot ecosystem. It is a vibrant community promoting knowledge sharing and empowering developers to build decentralised applications.

Polkadot Decoded 2023

There is no requirement of knowing anything about Web3 and Blockchain before registering for the event. It is intended for new, intermediate as well as seasoned developers.

At the very onset, you are greeted by the Polkadot network team — after getting comfortable with complimentary food and drinks you get to explore various booths at Polkadot. I started with the main Polkadot developer booth, where you get to firsthand experience how the Polkadot network works with a GitHub CodeSpace designed to help you understand the same. The instructor was extremely attentive and readily answered all the questions I had. I deployed a local node intended to demonstrate a Rust blockchain smart contract application. As an added bonus, I got a small rPolkadot swag for this!

Next, I headed over to the booths setup by various companies to showcase their application of Web3 and / or Blockchain with various use-cases, including hackathon idea winners who made the best use of the company / Polkadot platform to inspire innovation in the industry. You get to talk with developers and CEOs alike about the ideas you have as well as their integration in existing products using open source software development kits (SDKs). You can also schedule 1–1s with leading people in the industry with dedicated reserved booths setup by the Polkadot team for the same.

This experience is not limited to just gaining knowledge, provided you also share your thoughts snd laern about various products and their applications, you also get free T-Shirts, Mugs and Stickers from various companies. Come for the experience, stay for the NFTs.

There is no shortage of excitement at this event. Throughout the two days, there are expert sessions from some of the most renowned and leading innovators in the industry.

The venue — Øksnehallen, CH, Denmark

Following were some of the current / future use-cases of Web3 and Multichain presented at the event —

  1. Decentralised Finance (DeFi) : Decentralised financial applications allow users to access financial services without intermediaries. Examples include lending, borrowing and trading.
  2. Digital Identity: Secure and self-sovereign digital identities, giving individuals complete control over their personal data and eliminating the need for centralised identity providers.
  3. Voting And Governance: Verifiable and transparent voting systems enhance the trust and integrity and election and governance processes.
  4. Gaming and Virtual assets: Creation, ownership and trade of verifiable digital assets within gaming ecosystems where players have true ownership and control over their virtual assets.
  5. Healthcare and medical records: Security, integrity and interoperability with privacy of medical records is paramount. Blockchain enables patients to have greater control over their health information

To learn more about Polkadot, visit their website at:

Medium handle:

Twitter handle: Polkadot

In conclusion, Web3 and Blockchain exemplified by Polkadot, offers transformative potential across industries such as finance, energy, gaming, healthcare and the internet. Together, we as developers and Polkadot paves the way towards a more transparent, inclusive and user-centric digital landscape.

It was a great and enriching experience to be a part of this event, and I would definitely recommend this to anyone in the future. Cheers!

Bonus: Boat ride at Nyhavn

“Blockchain is to trust what the internet is to information” — Joseph Lubin



Salil Apte

Full Stack Software Engineer, avid reader, developer and enthusiast in software and hardware technologies.