Linux Virtual Machines in Windows PC

Salim Salimov
5 min readJul 19, 2023


Hello everyone,

I am Salim Salimov ,this is going to be my first blog here and it will be about :

How to install and run an Virtual Machines(virtual PC) with separate Operating systems(OS) inside your existing Windows OS.

I guess most of you have heard about Linux operating systems but for those who has not — Linux is an open source and free for use software created by Linus Torvalds. It’s basically a compilation of lots of computer tools programs and hardware drivers which are necessary to run on any computer packed together. That compilation is called Linux kernel. As this kernel is free and open source anyone or Any organization can use it to build a full operating system adding more applications and software to it and distribute with their own brand. Therefore there are many Linux OS versions called distributions available.For example some most popular Linux OS are:Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Red Hat, Fedora and many , many more.

Linux distributions can be downloaded as ISO files which are CD /DVD image files . ISO file can be written/burn to CD/DVD disk or make a bootable USB flash drive with relevant software. Trying Linux is an extremely easy on a real computer without even installing it.Most of Linux ISO files are live CD/DVD images which means you can load fully functional Operating system from it without making any changes to your Hard drive. But today we are going to use a virtual machine for that.

Assuming you are a Windows user , I am going to show you how to set up and install an Ubuntu Linux virtual Machine inside your Windows system. For this we need to download two things:

1. Virtualization software to create virtual machine : vmware or virtualbox

VMware has free trial version but you will need to purchase it when trial ends, therefore i am giving you also a link for virtualbox which is completely free and have all virtualization functions as well .

choose windows version and then trial to download

Alternatively you can download and use virtualbox from here

2.Linux OS ISO file:

Ubuntu Linux or any other distribution if you like.

Another alternative you can try is Linux Mint which is my Favorite one and here is the link for it:

Once we have VmWare installer.exe and Ubuntu.iso files downloaded we can go ahead with installation.

1. Doble click on vmware installer

and follow the setup wizard, you may need to restart your computer to complete the installation.

2. When installation completed we can start up VMWare and create our virtual machine in it.

click on create new virtual machine button

As for first time you can leave most of the settings as given by default when following the setup guide.

choose typical
need to select our Ubuntu.iso file and load it here
browse to the iso file and select it
press next
fill up these fields and press next
here you can leave as it is or set larger size for virtual HDD
when you press finish your your virtual machine will start and will boot from the virtual cd drive where we loaded our ubuntu.iso file
Ubuntu installer will now be loaded inside newly created virtual machine
Again if its for first time i would recommend mostly leave the default options in the installer
press continue
here if not detected correctly you can change to correct time zone
need to fill up here again your credentials
Congratulations!!! We have now completed installing Ubuntu Linux

We need to restart and We can start exploring what is Ubuntu looks like inside and how to use it.

on the first start it will offer to connect your accounts and emails but you can skip this steps by pressing skip button
here are some more screenshots after logged in to your new system

In Ubuntu Linux you will find everything essential is already preinstalled like Firefox internet browser LibreOffice (free alternative to Microsoft Office) software center where you can get more apps and so on.

Hope you have enjoyed my first blog here , Thanks for going through all these steps with me . Have lovely time exploring the Linux world .

