What should you pick between NPM and YARN

2 min readOct 22, 2023


npm and yarn are both package managers for JavaScript projects. They allow developers to install, manage, and update the dependencies of their projects.

NPM is the older and more popular of the two. It was created in 2010 and has a large community and ecosystem of packages. NPM is also the default package manager for Node.js.

Yarn was created in 2016 by Facebook. It was designed to address some of the performance and security issues of NPM. Yarn also offers some additional features, such as Plug’n’Play and Zero-Install.

So, which one should you use?

Here are a few things to consider:

  • Performance: Yarn is generally faster than NPM, especially when installing large projects with many dependencies.
  • Security: Yarn is also considered to be more secure than NPM. It has a number of features that help to prevent dependency vulnerabilities.
  • Community: NPM has a larger community than Yarn, which means that there are more resources available if you need help.
  • Ecosystem: NPM also has a larger ecosystem of packages, which means that you’re more likely to find the packages you need.

Ultimately, the best package manager for you depends on your specific needs and preferences. If you’re looking for the fastest and most secure package manager, then Yarn is a good choice. If you’re looking for a package manager with a large community and ecosystem, then NPM is a good choice.

Things that might help you to make better decision

Imagine that Yarn and NPM are two different grocery stores. NPM is the older and more popular store. It has a larger selection of items and a bigger parking lot. Yarn is the newer store. It’s smaller, but it has a more modern layout and a faster checkout line.

So, which store should you go to?

If you have a big shopping list and you’re in a hurry, then Yarn is the better choice. If you’re looking for a specific item that you can’t find anywhere else, then NPM is the better choice.

And if you’re not sure which store to choose, you can always try both and see which one you prefer.




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