Sally Clough
Nov 20, 2023

Park Bench

Photo by Ihor Malytskyi on Unsplash

Sometimes, I want to just sit on a park bench.

And, remain there, for the rest of my life.

Just watching the world go by.

Nowhere to go.

Nothing to do.

Just sit.

Absorbing the magnificence of creation all around me.

The birds chirping in the trees.

Two lovers holding hands.

The sweet fragrance of rose petals.

A sun-kissed Grandpa, and his newspaper.

A small child laughing with glee.

The smell of freshly cut grass.

The humming of a bee.

A dog barking, chasing a stick.

A little girl with chocolate ice-cream on her face.

The branches of the trees swaying softly in the breeze.

Tell me, what else should I do with this life of mine?

So, I sit.

And, I watch.

And, I smile.

Sally Clough

Sally is a certified yoga, meditation and breathwork facilitator. She is also a writer, a storyteller, a lover of all things creative.