How Can You Know Your Dog Better?

5 min readApr 3, 2018


I am sure you love pets and you know how much they love you. Don’t you? Dogs are adorable animals and they give us company, and so much love. But, understanding their need is vital for their growth and happiness.

If you want a good well mannered dog, you have to train them properly. And, training requires a lot of effort, skill and off course patience. So, what do you need to know even before you bring a pet home? These are some of the things we are going to talk about in this article.

  1. Proper training.
  2. Understand their needs.
  3. Observe their behavior.
  4. Praise and repeat.

You are excited, and you already have the thought of making a dog the part of your life. You want to welcome your dog and treat him as your best friend. But, you are unsure. You are also a bit nervous because you do not know exactly what you need to do and how to prepare for your furry friend.

As you know some animals are easy pet, and dogs are definitely one of them. They have been with the humans for thousands of years. Dogs bond so well with us naturally. Dogs are lovable animals, and they easily become a part of our family. We don’t treat them as animals rather a part of our family. Don’t we?

Once you have made a decision that it is time that you want to take care of a dog as your pet, then it is also the right time that you learn what you can, and even on an everyday manner about dog behavior. Why?

Because you want your dog to become a good family member. It should behave well and also be happy at the same time. That’s when you start to think about training him well. But, training means you want to address or focus on some aspect of behavior. For example, the basic commands he should follow and many other things!

You can only become a good dog owner when you know more about your dog. So, you have learn a little bit about them, and how they behave. That’s the reason knowing how a dog behaves in different situations is a must for every dog owner.

You want to be the best dog owner possible, isn’t it? You know that you can become one of the best dog owners when you can get a clear understanding what your dog is trying to signal to you regarding their needs and more.

Once you know your dog in the best possible way by delving deeper with their dog behavioral needs, you will be able to bond more easily with them. That’s when you will love your dog more, and he will do the same.

Unfortunately, there are many dog owners who find it really hard to bond properly with their dog. Why? Because they do not understand their dogs at all. So they are not able to establish a good relationship with them.

But, you know you can do it. You can become closer to your dog, you just need to train them in the best possible way. But, training a dog is not easy, you need to learn the tricks from experienced people or professional dog experts.

I suggest that you make yourself aware of what your dog really need. And, you can do that easily by reading what dog experts are saying. Also, make sure you know what are the real need of your dog breed. Every dog is different, and they have different moods and temperament. Get more facts about dogs at This is a very good resource.

As a dog owner, you have the option to enroll yourself in a good dog training program as well. They maybe a bit expensive at times. So, do your own research.

This is another good resources with 3 different methods of training your furry friend: Tips on getting a Dog used to bike trailer using 3 simple training methods. I liked the resource because these three simple methods can be applied in any situation. Not just riding a bike with your dog. You can use it to train how to walk your dog or just any simple obedience training.

So, use these simple suggestion and train your dog well. I am going to share with you more in future. Always, ask yourself how is my dog behaving? This will help you to understand him better.

Then, you can use various techniques with your dog properly. If you keep on doing that consistently, then your dog will understand and follow your instructions soon. But, please be patient, and do not expect that your dog will learn everything overnight.

No, it is not going to work like that. It takes time to learn new things even for dogs, so be patient always. I will say once again, know more about your dog. Read different expert dog training resources. Understand your dog’s behavior. Then, you will become a better dog owner. Do not try too many things at once with your dog, because if you do that they will get very confused.

Do one thing at a time. Use the 3 methods mentioned in the Dog Training website I have shared above, I have found it to be very useful. They did work wonders for my lovely dog. Be patient and your dog will learn sooner than later.

In addition to focusing on dog’s behavior, you have to do what you can to attain the right mindset in taking care and training your dog. With dog behavior and psychology in mind, you will have a better dog.

But, start early when they are still puppies. With proper training your puppies will learn quickly, and do things which will surprise you. Just be patient and trust in yourself.

Every dog is different as I have said before, do not rush them. Give them enough time to learn at their own pace. Help them succeed. The learning speed of a dog will differ from one dog to another as well as from one age to another.

Be your dog’s role model and know their behavior well. Teaching your dog to learn new things is very enriching. You will love it, and you will feel proud when they do things which you want them to do.

When it comes to dog behavior training, you have to remember that you are the person that your puppy considers as their role model. Teaching them new skill is a great thing, which you will love doing. But, at the same time give your dog a chance to socialize as much as they can. Why? Because they are animals and they grow and thrive in a pack or a group.

When your dog gets a chance to mingle and interact with other dogs, then they will learn so much more. But, off course do it with caution, read more!

