Clone App Development- Uber Clone App

Salma Ali
6 min readApr 27, 2022


Uber clone app

Nowadays surviving becomes easy because of the digital world. Technology changes our way of living. Our daily routines are dependent upon technology. One of the best advancements in technology is taxi booking applications. Now people can easily do taxi booking with the help of a taxi booking applications. Every smartphone users have a taxi booking application installed on their phone.

There are more than 10 taxi booking applications in the market. Among all of these Uber is ranked 1 on the list of 10 best taxi booking applications in the world. With an estimated rate of 110 million uber users in the world uber becomes the most used taxi booking application or ode sharing application.

Uber is one of the prominent ride-hailing applications. That’s why it gets the unreachable number of users in the world.

Do you want to become a participant in this huge market share of uber-like apps? In this article, we’re going to discuss the way how you can create an app like uber or How to do uber clone app development?

Why Clone App Development?

Clone app development is more beneficial than developing an application from scratch. Know more about it:

  • Took less time for the development.
  • Required less money for the development.
  • In-built features of the application.
  • A pre-recognized brand image of the application.
  • Easy to target the niche.

Benefits Of Uber Clone App Development

Benefits of Uber clone app development

With the arrival of taxi booking applications, people can book taxis with just a few taps on the screen. In this section, we’re going to learn about why you should step ahead for uber clone app development?

  • Demand For Taxi Apps

We all witnessed the pandemic of COVID-19. At that time social distancing is the law of emergence. People are still following this to be separate from COVID-19. They prefer to travel in a private vehicle rather than going on public transport. Pre-pandemic the demand for taxi applications is increasing. According to Statista, the taxi booking application market would witness a growth rate of 10.7%.

  • Continually manage business operations

One of the main reasons for using a taxi app is that it allows you to run your business without having to worry about paperwork because the entire process is automated. You can easily manage the fleet and passengers’ bookings as a platform owner. You can, however, assign sub-admins to manage certain duties.

  • Significant Business Development Possibilities

When you already operate a cab company, it’s time to go digital with your traditional operation. Regardless of your start-up firm, you’ll need to adapt to the changing environment and gain a competitive advantage over your competitors. Furthermore, a white-label Uber app can be updated to keep up with shifting trends by adding new features and incorporating numerous revenue streams.

  • Advanced Business Analytics

The construction of an Uber clone app includes various modules for passengers, drivers, and administrators. The platform owner will be able to control the logistics network and fleets in real-time thanks to the dynamic admin panel. You can also monitor the behavior of the drivers by soliciting comments from passengers. You can remove registered drivers from the list if there is a discrepancy. Most significantly, you can collect data from travelers and so learn about their expectations.

  • Hype In Customer Retention Rate

Uber clone app development helps in retaining the customers to your platform. Taxi booking applications are th platform that fulfills the customer’s surge to avail of the services of taxis without going out. There’s no more need to go out to book a taxi to go on a trip easily book your taxi by seating in the comfort of home.

Points To Consider For Uber Clone App Development

You have to execute some key points when developing the uber clone app. Let’s have a look at those points:

Exceptional Value Proposition🧐

You already have a good understanding of the existing market and its prospects. It’s time to research your competition to develop a list of unique selling points. Know the strategy of existing main players such as Uber, Ola, Lyft, and Grab, for example. Plan a strategy to increase your user base.

Monetization Model💵

It is vital to choose a revenue source. Various monetization tactics should be considered but under the app’s functioning. Commissions and advertising fees provide a consistent stream of money. Charge fare fee from the rider is the major way of earning revenue from the application. Other than that you can charge a commission from the taxi partners you are registering on your platform.

Complexity Of The Application🤯

Check out the complexity of the application. The developed uber clone app should be compatible enough to serve the target audience and niche. If the complexity of the application is not according to the target audience it’s not of any use.

UI/UX Design📱

User experience and User interface matter when it comes to user-friendly applications. UX of the application should be compatible enough for the users so that users can easily track the tools of the application.

Basic Features🎯

Features play a vital role in making the application more user-friendly. Basic features can be:

  • Geolocation to make the user and drivers compatible to track each other.
  • Payment gateways to make the payment method easy and sorted for both parties.
  • APIs to combine the application with other applications.
  • The design of the application affects the usage of the application by users.

Technology Stacks Used In Uber Clone App Development

Technology stacks used in Uber clone app development

Technology stacks are the ones that make the application run smoothly on the devices. Technology stacks are the one that helps in developing bug-free application.


MEAN= Mongo Database, Express Javascript, Angular Javascript, and Node Javascript.

LAMP= Linux Operating system, Apache HTTP server, My SQL, PHP Python.

Frontend Tech Stack

iOS- Swift, Objective-C.

Android- Java/Kotlin.

Hybrid- React JS.

Web- HTML, Javascript, CSS, Angular.

How Much Does It Cost For Uber Clone App Development?

The popular adage “see before you leap” applies well here. Knowing the budget will help you to exactly what unique can offer to your users with Uber clone app development. Let us have a look at how the cost of developing an Uber Clone app is calculated in this section.

Regardless of whether you design a taxi booking app like Uber, Ola, or Lyft, the cost will be determined by the business needs, which will vary depending on the individual. In general, the cost of developing a taxi app is determined by the following criteria.

  • The taxi app’s size
  • How difficult is the app to use?
  • What are the features that should be included in the app?
  • UI/UX (user interface/user experience) design
  • For development, a technological stack was used.
  • A location where the business is located.
  • The region where you want to launch the application.

Wrapping Up!

Let’s conclude this, By covering this Uber clone app development article we have covered the features, technology, and other things that are necessary for the uber clone app development. The main thing in the development process is choosing the leading mobile app development company to work on your project.

