How To Build An App Like DHA Medical Fitness In Dubai, UAE? (2023)

Salma Ali
3 min readFeb 16, 2023


What is DHA Fitness Application?

The DHA (Dubai Health Authority) Medical Fitness Application is a smartphone app designed by the Dubai Health Authority to enable simple access to medical fitness test results for Dubai citizens. The software is available for both iOS and Android smartphones and can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, respectively.

Users may use the app to examine their medical fitness test results and arrange appointments for their next medical fitness test. It also includes a list of DHA-approved medical fitness clinics where users may get their tests performed.

The DHA Medical Fitness Application is part of the Dubai government’s Smart Dubai effort, which aims to enhance the lives of inhabitants and tourists to the city via the use of technology. The app intends to inspire individuals to take an active role in maintaining their health and wellness by making their medical fitness test results easily accessible to locals.

Building An App Like The DHA Medical Fitness App in Dubai, UAE Would Include Several Processes. Here’s a Quick Rundown of What’s Needed:

  1. Define the app’s features: Before you begin development, you must decide what features your app will provide. The DHA Medical Fitness application, for example, allows users to access their medical fitness test results, make appointments, and find a list of DHA-approved medical fitness clinics.
  2. Recruit a development team: Once you’ve decided what you want the app to accomplish, you’ll need to put together a team of developers to construct it. You’ll need to discover developers who have built mobile apps before, especially for the platform(s) you intend to target (iOS, Android, or both).
  3. Create the app: Once you’ve assembled your team, you’ll need to get to work on creating the app. Several steps will be involved, including designing the user interface, creating the app’s functionality, and testing the app to verify it functions as planned.
  4. Integrate with DHA systems: To give users access to their medical fitness test results, the app must be integrated with DHA’s systems. Working closely with DHA to ensure that your app can safely access and show the essential data will most likely be required.
  5. Deploy the app: Once the app has been developed, it must be deployed to the appropriate app stores (Apple’s App Store and/or Google Play) so that people may download and use it.
  6. Maintain the app: After the app is launched, you must continue to maintain it by addressing issues, upgrading it to operate with new versions of the operating system, and adding new features as needed.

Please keep in mind that developing an app like the DHA Medical Fitness app would necessitate substantial resources, both in terms of time and money. Working with an expert mobile app development company Dubai can assist you to steer through the process by properly planning and budgeting for each step of development.

