“Unlock the Power of Your Subconscious Mind with Symbols”

Salma Jane - Art on Purpose
3 min readJan 6, 2023

Symbols have the ability to bypass the conscious mind’s filters and access the deeper parts of the psyche. There is a large amount of scientific evidence supporting the idea that symbols can communicate with the subconscious mind. Studies have shown that the brain processes symbolic information differently than literal information. This knowledge is used by television producers and advertisers to create businesses. We can also use symbols to create change within ourselves.

Symbols often carry multiple layers of meaning and can elicit strong emotional responses. The subconscious psyche absorbs everything it is exposed to and it is up to our critical thinking to consciously accept or reject the notions, ideas, and messages that symbols convey. However, we may not always recognize this process.

Analogy, metaphor, and stories are three effective ways to use symbols to reach the subconscious mind unfiltered. Analogies and metaphors allow us to comprehend complex concepts by comparing them to something familiar or easier to understand. Film and TV programming can put us in a receptive trance-like state, causing us to unconsciously absorb the messages in the stories whether we want to or not. We may watch multiple shows or news broadcasts with similar subliminal messages but different storylines, which can repeatedly program us.

On the other hand, we can also intentionally use symbols to reprogram ourselves for the better. For example, I use intention mandalas that I create myself. Each picture represents a different intention or characteristic that I want to cultivate within myself. I wear them as pendants and sometimes carry one or two in my pocket as reminders on a conscious level and as subliminal messages to my subconscious mind. Over time, I have seen positive changes by using these touchstones.

Pictures and tokens can also be effective at communicating with the subconscious mind because they can be imbued with symbolic meaning. This meaning is often conveyed through the use of color, shape, and other visual elements, which can evoke emotional responses. These elements can be particularly effective at conveying complex ideas and emotions in a single image. For example, a painting of a peaceful landscape may convey a sense of peace and calm, while an abstract image may convey mystery or uncertainty. In both cases, the art communicates with the subconscious mind by evoking emotional responses and providing a visual representation of an idea or concept.

Many people use tokens such as amulets and talismans to intentionally influence their subconscious minds and bring about change in their lives. These tokens communicate with the subconscious mind because they have been imbued with symbolic meaning. For example, a person might wear a particular token to represent their belief in a deity or as a reminder of a goal or aspiration. The token can serve as protection or to attract something. In these cases, the token communicates with the subconscious mind by providing a physical embodiment of the person’s beliefs and goals. If the symbol is effective, it can affect behavior and even our vibration and frequency. Words are symbols and can be assigned to tokens, which can be powerful tools for transformation.

Pictures, tokens, words, and stories can all be effective at communicating with the subconscious mind because they can be imbued with symbolic meaning and evoke emotional responses. These responses can influence our moods, behaviors, and even our vibration and frequency. By using these tools, we can intentionally or unintentionally program ourselves and bring about positive change in our lives.



Salma Jane - Art on Purpose

Salma believes in the transformative power of setting intentions in the cultivation of a life of meaning using art and symbol.