1 min readJul 12, 2017


Thank you. This is derogatory correct? Because women aren’t supposed to be objectified, and real beauty is more than skin deep? Even if that skin tone is a lovely shade of brown?

Disclaimer: As a person of color, I feel like I am entitled to say brown is superficially a fantastic shade. Granted, I may very well be biased as I am brown. I also think beards are sweet, not necessarily on women though. Just my perspective here.

Disclaimer 2: I’m married, therefore, my days of judging whether or not someone is qualified to be in the “brown sugar” category are behind me. I may be allowed to have a scientific based objective conversation on what society views as attractive — not sure, will have to check the legalese.

Follow up question: is there a non derogatory male version of this? (Asking for a friend).

Last disclaimer: I do sincerely apologize if this is touching on a racial nerve. My intent is to learn, and maybe make a joke or two at my own expense.

