Salman Mansoor
2 min readMar 30, 2023

Is there any science behind having a Premonition or a true Dream?


The science behind premonitions or dreams that come true is not yet fully understood. However, there are a few theories that have been put forward to explain this phenomenon.

One theory is that premonitions may be explained by the fact that the subconscious mind can pick up on subtle cues and patterns in the environment that are not immediately apparent to the conscious mind. This information is then processed by the brain and can manifest in the form of a premonition or a vivid dream.

Another theory is that premonitions and dreams that come true may be the result of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Essentially, this means that when we have a premonition or dream about a specific event, we may unconsciously alter our behavior or make decisions that lead to that event actually happening.

There are also some scientists who believe that premonitions and dreams that come true may be the result of psychic abilities. However, this theory is controversial and not widely accepted by the scientific community.

Scientific studies on premonitions and true dreams are limited due to the difficulty in measuring and replicating such experiences. However, there have been a few notable studies that have attempted to investigate this phenomenon:

1. In a study published in the Journal of Parapsychology in 2017, researchers looked at the role of intuition and psychic experiences in decision-making. The study found that participants who reported having more psychic experiences (such as premonitions, telepathy, and psychokinesis) also reported higher levels of intuitive decision-making.

2. Another study published in the International Journal of Dream Research in 2017 focused on the accuracy of predictive dreams. The study found that participants reported a high level of accuracy in dreams that predicted personal events, but this accuracy was lower for dreams that predicted global or societal events.

3. A study published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration in 2015 looked at the physiological responses of individuals who reported having successful premonitions. The study found that these individuals showed heightened autonomic activity (such as increased heart rate variability) prior to the event, suggesting that there may be a physiological basis for premonitions.

4. In a study published in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research in 2013, researchers investigated the accuracy of premonitions related to natural disasters. The study found that participants who reported having premonitions were more accurate in predicting the timing and location of natural disasters than chance would suggest.

While these studies provide some insight into the phenomenon of premonitions and true dreams, the scientific community remains divided on their validity and interpretation. There is still much more research that needs to be conducted in order to fully understand this mysterious and intriguing aspect of human experience.