Two Billion Huobi Pool Tokens Airdropped For HT Holders ➖HADAX Funding Already Achieved

Huobi Pool recently announced the issue of ten billion Huobi Pool Tokens (HPT’s), the first sub-token in the Huobi Token (HT) ecosystem. Two billion will be for HT holders while the rest will be obtained by miners on a daily basis.

Sal Miah
5 min readSep 8, 2018

The Huobi Token is Huobi Global’s blockchain based loyalty system. The Huobi Token provides support to Huobi Global’s businesses and any other associated products. Currently, HT can be traded against Bitcoin, Ethereum and a variety of other trading pairs.

Holders of HT’s will be entitled a number of benefits. One of the most recent benefits is that Huobi Pool Tokens (HPT) will be airdropped to HT holders at no extra cost. The airdrops originally started on August 25th. To purchase HT and be entitled to the free daily airdrops, readers can find further information via this link.

Huobi Pool Token Explained

Originally launched on March 30th, 2018, the Huobi Pool implements models including the FPPS to pay earnings to miners relevant to their appropriate hashrate contribution; leading to an increased synergy between the user platform experience and increased profits.

By having the foundations within the digital currency trading platform- Huobi, the Huobi Mining Pool allows for a seamless all-in-one experience where miners earnings can be withdrawn, deposited and traded for hard currencies such as dollars, bitcoins or other chosen cryptocurrencies via the Huobi Exchange or Huobi OTC services. By allowing for simplicity and ease of execution for the workers, the end result will be a much more efficient and easier user allocation of assets.

HPT holders are also able to participate in future developments concerning the Huobi Pool, as well as sharing the growth value of the mining pool via continuous airdrops of digital assets received from the mining pool.

Why Does The HPT Benefit HT Holders?

Being an HT holder allows for a number of benefits. While this article will elaborate further on more of the benefits later, one particular benefit that doesn’t receive as much recognition is that HT holders are entitled to free HPT airdrops.

Since August 25th Huobi has been airdropping HPT to HT users on a daily basis featured by ‘Synchronous distribution with mining.’ There are two portions of HPT- the ‘mined HPT and ‘airdropped HPT for HT.’ The ‘mined HPT’ will be the HPT earned by customers via their ‘mining is mining’ mode daily, while the ‘airdropped HPT for HT’ will be unlocked in proportion to the mined percentage and distributed daily. Huobi will take a snapshot of HT assets users Huobi Global Accounts and airdrop HPT to users holding more than 200 HT daily.

By introducing this daily airdropping of HPT Tokens to HT holders, Huobi is allowing HPT to serve as a type of dividend for HT holders. It will provide extra incentive for HT holders to not only continue to hold HT but to execute any future trades paired with HT, knowing there will be further positive actions in doing so.

How Many HPT Tokens Are To Be Distributed?

A total of 10 billion HPT tokens will be distributed. From that figure, 2 billion will be airdropped to HT holders and the rest distributed to miners on Huobi Pool and other selected projects. As well as this Huobi Pool will allow for monthly airdrops for HT assets outside of Huobi Global called ‘Monthly distribution in proportion to mining.’ HPT will be unlocked in proportion to the mined percentage and airdropped monthly.

As of August 24th, there have been a total of 42,916,241 distributed to all HT holders while providing an estimated 17.16 HPT for every 200 HT.

Existing users of the Huobi Pool community will get a onetime HPT airdrop of 1:1 relative to their original points.

Also, holders of EOS, TRON, and Ontology will be allowed to receive HPT airdrops if they hold and continue to hold these tokens on Huobi Global Assets.

Along with daily airdrops through holding the above tokens, users can earn HPT through voting for block producers in projects such as EOS, TRON, and Ontology. This can be further supplemented by earning tokens via the contribution of hash power to the networks mining pool when mining BTC or BCH.

As a stamp of approval to the anticipation among the Huobi community of the HPT airdrops, in the most recent round of HADAX community voting, HPT was able to achieve 10x the required votes needed to fulfill its funding objectives. This was over twice the amount of its closest competitor, signaling a massive show of confidence from the voters, who are very clearly excited to receive further encouragement to hold HT tokens.

The results were very conclusive | Source

Will The HPT Airdrops Be A Beneficial Move?

In a nutshell, yes. Airdrops are always highly welcomed by the crypto universe and to be able to provide a reward for loyalty and establishing further motives to hold HT tokens, this move will be greeted very warmly- by not only existing HT holders, but users outside the community who may now be willing to engage and buy/hold HT tokens knowing there are extra incentives for doing so.

The airdrops will provide a welcome reward for longtime HT holders, who will be keen to hold HT tokens even longer and allowing for further stability of the Huobi Token, which would make it highly appealing to a large section of the crypto community.

A further reason why the regular airdrop for HT holders will prove to be a shrewd decision is that many crypto enthusiasts are keen on finding good projects which can provide passive incomes for either holding or staking that token/coin.

Despite there being an explosion of cryptocurrency projects over the last year, the rate of passive income projects has not gone up concurrently. While there is the option of building a masternode, the ones which will be able to provide a consistent income, will be highly expensive and very technically difficult or the vast majority of users to set-up.

So by providing HT holders the benefit of consistent daily airdrops of HPT, crypto users have the option of a passive income from holding HT tokens.

Users who continue to hold HT tokens are not only entitled to the free airdrops, but also to the following benefits:

▶️Fee Discount — Use HT for VIP transactions and get discounts immediately

▶️Platform Repurchase- Each quarter of the Firecoin Global Station repurchased the repurchased HT in the circulation market, all of which are accrued by the Fire Capital Investor Protection Fund.

▶️Certified Merchant Margin- Use HT payment margin to become a legal currency transaction certification merchant to obtain exclusive certification mark, high-quality front booth, and one-to-one customer service.

▶️Trading with Popular Currencies- Support HT to USDT/BTC/Eth and other transactions.

As you can see the reasons for holding HT is very beneficial, and while Huobi continues to expand and improve its ecosystem at a very rapid pace, the incentives and benefits are increasingly likely to become greater and more profitable. For further information on the value of HT and ways to get involved please follow this link.

