Speaker slots are available at the 12thGHUCG20222 Dubai, UAE December 21–22, 2022

James smith
4 min readAug 30, 2022

Speaker slots are available at the 12thGHUCG20222 Dubai, UAE December 21–22, 2022

It is a fortunate time to connect with attendees from around the world, talk about and exchange difficulties, and share experiences of interest. Gastroenterology & Hepatology Conference guests will be able to reflect on and celebrate achievements, expand networks, and explore both present and future research thanks to an interesting programme that UCG has worked hard to put together. We anticipate that this conference will be fruitful, enjoyable, and memorable.


What are the roles and responsibilities of the speaker?

As a speaker, you will be responsible for conducting pre-speech research, writing and outlining speech scripts, and delivering high-quality speeches to audiences across the state. You may also be required to answer audience questions and interact with members of the public.

The Benefits of Speaking at the Conference

As enjoyable as attending a conference is, speaking at one may elevate the experience to a whole new level. You improve your profile in the industry whether you give a solo presentation, co-present with a colleague, or participate as a panellist or moderator in a discussion. A speaking engagement could be beneficial to both your career and your company’s bottom line.

1. Advancement in your career

Effective public speaking skills can help you succeed in your career because they demonstrate originality, critical thinking, leadership ability, poise, and professionalism, all of which are highly valued in the job market.

Speaking at conferences and gatherings is a fantastic approach to establish credibility. The more well-known the event, the better, as you’ll be able to brag about your speaking accomplishments on your CV.

2. Increase self-assurance

Speaking in front of a group might help you gain confidence. It is powerful to overcome the concerns and insecurities that come with public speaking. Connecting with audiences can also serve as a powerful reminder that you have important ideas and opinions to share with the world.

As you progress from speaking to small groups to large audiences, your confidence will develop. This will help you not only on stage, but also in regular life, such as in a meeting or on a date.

3. Enhance your communication abilities

When writing a speech, you must consider the appropriate framework, persuasive technique, and language to convey your idea to the audience. This kind of thinking might assist you in improving your communication abilities in other aspects of your life as well.

Personal relationships, social interactions, and job circumstances all necessitate the exchange of ideas with others. The goal of public speaking is to communicate ideas. You can learn to take an opposing viewpoint calmly, arrange and coherently explain your ideas, and defend your position to others.

4. Establish new social ties
Public speaking engagements are a great way to meet individuals who have similar interests to you. People will approach you after your presentation to strike up a chat. It makes making new social relationships a lot easier. After your lecture, spend as much time as possible mingling with the audience, asking questions and seeking new insights on your issue.

By including contact information on handouts or slides, give audience members the option of contacting you at a later time. If you have a website, tell your audience where they may obtain more information.

Who can attend 12th World Gastroenterology Conference?

Utilitarian Conferences Committee Experts invites Gastroenterologists, hepatologists, Physicians, fellows, physician assistants, nurses, endoscopy, allied health professionals specializing in gastroenterology, internal medicine and other interested health care professionals.

Conference highlights are Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Gastrointestinal Pathology, GI Cancers, GI Bleeding, Bariatric Surgery, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Gastrointestinal Radiology, Endoscopy, Colorectal Cancer, Pancreatic & Biliary Disease, Esophageal & Gastric Disease, Small Bowel & Colonic Disease, Microbiota, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Gastrointestinal Endocrinology, Gastrointestinal Immunology, Gut Microbiome & Probiotics Interactior, Acid related Diseases, Neuro-Gastroenterology, Digestive Disorders, Recent Advances in Gastroenterology, Celiac Diseases, Gallbladder & Biliary Diseases, Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Abstract Submission Details

We warmly invite you to submit you’re abstract and attend the 12th World Gastroenterology & Hepatology Conference 2022 in Dubai, UAE


Submit your abstract online at -https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/submit-abstract/
Email to — gastroenterology@universeconferences.net

Modes of Presentation

· Oral presentation

· Poster presentation


All abstracts must be written exclusively in English (including the title, abstract text, author names, and affiliations).

The following are the most significant advantages of attending a 12th World UCG gastroenterology conference in Dubai, UAE

Participate in professional networking

· Collect material for personal knowledge

· Meet with specific company representatives

· DOI Publication (On request)

· Explore Dubai

· Enjoy sessions & entertainment.

· Participation/Presentation Certificate

· Present your ideas and work to others

Attend #GUCG2022Dubai with your group and avail #groupdiscount as well as the thanksgiving offer


Use code UCG10 & register yourself for #GastroenterologyConferences

I hope you look forward in exploring the world with your research work and knowledge at this grand event.

Reach out to us:
Mail: gastroenterology@universeconferences.net | info@utilitarianconferences.com
What Sapp: +442033222718
Call: +12076890407

Reference Gastroenterology & Hepatology UCGconferences press releases and blogs






