Understanding Jaundice: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and TreatmentWhat is Jaundice?

James smith
3 min readJun 11, 2024


Jaundice is a medical condition characterized by the yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes. This yellow color is due to an excess of bilirubin, a yellow-orange bile pigment, in the blood. Bilirubin is produced during the normal breakdown of red blood cells and is usually processed by the liver. When there is a disruption in this process, jaundice can occur.

Causes of Jaundice

Jaundice can be caused by various underlying conditions, which are broadly categorized into pre-hepatic (before bile is made in the liver), hepatic (issues within the liver), and post-hepatic (after bile is made).

  1. Pre-Hepatic Causes:
  • Hemolytic anemia: Accelerated breakdown of red blood cells increases bilirubin production.
  • Sickle cell anemia: Abnormal red blood cells break down more rapidly.
  • Malaria: Infection causes red blood cell destruction.
  1. Hepatic Causes:
  • Hepatitis: Inflammation of the liver reduces its ability to process bilirubin.
  • Cirrhosis: Chronic liver damage from various causes leads to scarring and liver dysfunction.
  • Liver cancer: Malignant cells impair liver function.
  • Genetic disorders: Conditions like Gilbert’s syndrome affect bilirubin metabolism.
  1. Post-Hepatic Causes:
  • Gallstones: Block the bile ducts, preventing bilirubin excretion.
  • Pancreatic cancer: Tumors can compress the bile ducts.
  • Biliary atresia: Congenital condition where bile ducts are absent or blocked.

Symptoms of Jaundice

  • Yellowing of the skin and eyes
  • Dark urine
  • Pale stools
  • Itchy skin
  • Fatigue
  • Abdominal pain
  • Weight loss
  • Vomiting

Diagnosis of Jaundice

Diagnosing jaundice involves a combination of clinical evaluation and laboratory tests:

  1. Physical Examination: A doctor will look for signs of jaundice and other related symptoms.
  2. Laboratory Tests:
  • Bilirubin Levels: Blood tests to measure total and direct (conjugated) bilirubin.
  • Complete Blood Count (CBC): To check for hemolytic anemia.
  • Liver Function Tests (LFTs): To assess the liver’s health and functioning.
  • Viral Hepatitis Panel: To detect hepatitis viruses.
  1. Imaging Studies:
  • Ultrasound: To visualize the liver, gallbladder, and bile ducts.
  • CT Scan/MRI: For more detailed imaging.
  1. Liver Biopsy: In some cases, a small tissue sample from the liver may be examined to determine the cause of liver dysfunction.

Treatment of Jaundice

The treatment of jaundice focuses on addressing the underlying cause:

  1. Pre-Hepatic Jaundice:
  • Treating the underlying hemolytic disorders or infections.
  1. Hepatic Jaundice:
  • Hepatitis: Antiviral or immunosuppressive drugs.
  • Cirrhosis: Lifestyle changes, medications, or possibly a liver transplant.
  • Liver Cancer: Surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy.
  1. Post-Hepatic Jaundice:
  • Gallstones: Medications to dissolve stones or surgery to remove them.
  • Tumors: Surgical removal, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy.
  • Biliary Atresia: Surgery to reconstruct bile ducts or liver transplant.

Managing Jaundice

  • Dietary Changes: Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean protein can support liver health.
  • Hydration: Drinking plenty of fluids helps maintain kidney function and aids in the excretion of bilirubin.
  • Avoid Alcohol: Alcohol can exacerbate liver damage.
  • Medication Management: Some medications can cause liver damage; consult a doctor before taking new medications.

When to See a Doctor

Seek medical attention if you notice symptoms of jaundice, especially if accompanied by severe abdominal pain, confusion, or blood in vomit or stool, as these could indicate a serious underlying condition.

Understanding jaundice and its underlying causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment is crucial for effective management and recovery. If you suspect jaundice, it’s important to seek medical attention promptly.

Important Information:

Conference Name: 14th World Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Conference
Short Name: 14GHUCG2024
Dates: December 17–19, 2024
Venue: Dubai, UAE
Email: gastroutilitarianconferences@gmail.com
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