What is celiac disease, and how does it affect you?

James smith
5 min readMar 18, 2022

Celiac disease

Celiac disease is a digestive and immunological disease that affects the small intestine. Symptoms of celiac disease include diarrhea, bloating, gas, anemia, and growth issues. Gluten is a protein that can trigger Celiac disease in certain people. Gluten may be present in a variety of cereals, including wheat, barley, and rye. Avoiding gluten in your diet might help you feel better.

Celiac disease affects the small intestine and is a chronic digestive and immunological problem. Gluten-containing foods cause the condition to develop. The condition can lead to long-term digestive issues and prevent your body from receiving all of the nutrients it requires.

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What is celiac disease, and how does it affect you?

Celiac disease (sometimes called celiac sprue or gluten-sensitive enteropathy) is a multisystem illness affecting the digestive system. It’s multisystemic, meaning it can affect a variety of organs. Celiac disease is a complicated immunological-mediated disorder in which the small intestine is damaged by the immune system when persons with it consume gluten (a protein in some grains such as wheat, barley, and rye).

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What’s the difference between celiac disease and gluten sensitivity that doesn’t mean you have celiac disease? (NCGS)

Celiac disease causes damage to the small intestine. Blood testing provides key markers that help establish a diagnosis. Symptoms of non-celiac gluten sensitivity include nausea, vomiting, stomach discomfort, headaches, diarrhea, joint pain, tiredness, and “brain fog.” These might range from mild to major. NCGS, on the other hand, causes no damage to the stomach, has no particular blood indications, and demands that symptoms resolve if a gluten-free diet is followed.

Celiac disease is caused by a number of factors.

The immune system of the body is designed to protect it from outside threats. Celiac disease patients’ immune systems attack the gut lining when they eat gluten-containing foods. This causes stomach swelling and kills the villi, which are hair-like structures on the lining of the small intestine. The meal’s nutrients are absorbed by the villi. If the villi are damaged, the person will be unable to absorb nutrients and will become malnourished, no matter how much food he or she eats.

How can you know if you have celiac disease?

Symptoms of celiac disease vary from person to person and might include: • no symptoms at all (as in the case of some celiac patients’ relatives).

• Issues with digestion (abdominal bloating, pain, gas, constipation, diarrhea, pale stools, loss of weight).

• Dermatitis herpetiformis, which causes a severe blistering rash and oral sores (aphthous ulcers).

• hepatitis or anemia (low blood count) with no known cause (liver inflammation).

• Musculoskeletal problems (muscle cramps, joint and bone discomfort), as well as enamel faults

• Growth difficulties and incapacity to flourish (in youngsters) (in children).

This is related to their inability to absorb the nourishment.

• Tingling feeling in the legs (due to nerve injury and inadequate calcium) (due to nerve damage and low calcium).

  • Depression

What is the therapy for celiac disease?

You can’t ingest gluten-containing foods if you have celiac disease (including wheat, rye, and barley) (including wheat, rye, and barley). You will be encouraged to contact a dietitian for more formal diet counseling. In most situations, removing gluten from your diet improves your health within a few days and finally removes the disease’s symptoms. The villi, on the other hand, often take months to years to heal. An adult’s intestines may take two to three years to recuperate, compared to around six months for a toddler.

You’ll need to see a doctor on a regular basis (usually every three months, six months, and once a year), and you’ll have to keep to this diet for the rest of your life. even a modest bit of food.

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If you’re following a gluten-free diet, you won’t be able to consume multiple “staples,” such as pasta, cereals, and many processed items that contain gluten. Gluten is frequently incorporated in food additives that increase texture or flavor, as well as various medications. Gluten can also be found in ice cream and salad dressing, which are less apparent sources of gluten. Cross-contamination, which happens when gluten-free goods come into touch with gluten accidentally, is another key source of gluten.


You can still eat a well-balanced diet if you have celiac disease. For example, bread and pasta manufactured from various flours (potato, rice, maize, or soy) are available, for example. Gluten-free bread other goods are also available from various food enterprises and grocery retailers.

You can also consume gluten-free fresh things that have not been chemically processed, such as fruits, vegetables, meats, and seafood.

How can I prevent celiac disease?

Celiac disease is unavoidable. Early detection and medication of celiac disease, on the other hand, may assist to avoid significant difficulties. As a result, it’s vital to test for celiac disease in people who are at a higher risk of having it, such as first-degree relatives of celiac disease patients.

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