How to get things done !?!

Saloni Bapna
Oct 19, 2021


This is super easy

Try this out and you will thank me

1. Start with Manifestation of the personality of that role/ task
(This will enable you to have wider perspective)

2. Replace all the personal thoughts of Constraints with ‘Listicle of that Task'
(This is a magical way to get things done
Imagine you have to do a simple task as writng down your name -
Now let’s apply what i have said above (listicle of task)-

  1. Get the pen and paper
  2. Pick the pen in your hand
  3. Start writing

Simple isn’t it
It got done
Did you observe nowhere did we put in any thoughts of Constraints like
oh! I dont want to do it; not now i will do it later



Saloni Bapna

In Pursuit of Growth & Happiness — Let’s Resonate every small effort/ task/ emotion