Apple Visitor Center and NorthEastern University | SSEP 2018

Saloni Garg
2 min readAug 30, 2018


Today, first of all, we went to Apple visitors center. There, we were greeted very warmly. Got to admit this, this was the most warm welcome we have received so far.

We visited the product store, checked out the merchandise corner, went to iCafeteria and strolled around the rooftop of Apple’s visiting center. It was all very cool! Felt like we’ve entered a prodigious Apple store.

Another very cool part of it was the Augmented Reality exhibition. We all were handed over the iPark tablets and when we looked at the AR model through those tabs, we could actually see the entire Apple’s headquarters! That was so amazing, and the most interesting part of the day.

Then we moved over to the Northeastern University. The Dean of that University, Professor P.K. Singh opened the conference with a presentation on how to think and work like an entrepreneur. He shared his life story too, which was indeed very interesting and inspiring. It was followed by one of his friend Chetan Parikh’s presentation. Chetan is the CEO of an Ahemdabad, Gujrat. He is really a very down-to-earth person. After his session, we all gathered around him for advice. He answered all our questions and then we were taken on a quick tour of the campus by Christina Dang to conclude the visit.

It was a great day! Here are some pictures of the same-



Saloni Garg

A 21 y/o girl extremely passionate about the future of Technology. A travel aficionado and academically, a CS Undergrad.