Some thoughts on AI writings

Saloni Desai
3 min readDec 24, 2022


Thoughts change if we continue learning, which means whatever I write here might be untrue not only from the true perspective today but also from my own tomorrow. Yet, that doesn’t mean the thoughts I hold today have zero value.

The reason I have written the above disclaimer isn’t just because I am low in confidence. It is also because I aim to learn and understand a lot more about AI and what they can do in days to come, and also because I know the entire species of humans and AI, too, have a lot more to learn and understand about them in days to come. So, I don’t see any certain conclusions that can be made about AI as of now.

The developments in AI Writing (not of AI as tools but as those that generate the entire body of work) is an important news for writers. Why wouldn’t it be?

Is the threat real?

I think the threat is real if the statement content is king is real. Because, in that case, it hardly matters to the content consumer if the content being consumed is created by a human or an AI.

A thing really is king in the following scenario:

I go out to buy something where I don’t even bother caring if it is created by a human hand or a printing machine. Like in the case of buying a bandana.

So, if written-content is the real king then I guess writer’s can stop dreaming of doing it as a profession and should be happy noting things down in their notebooks (until Brain implants, etc. come!).

If most people/reader approach reading with content as king, I do see a threat for human writers in future. But this wouldn’t be a threat from automated- writing AI, but from human publishers. This is because I don’t see ownership transferred to AI anytime soon. This then becomes about publishers, who are to do business, who use AI to generate spectacular written content for themselves based on a lot of relevant things. In this scenario, the image of a writer could be replaced by a publisher — the one who publishes all kind of works he has generated with his expensive magical AI tools.

Writing isn’t just about the content, is it?

It is also about the human personality, isn’t it?

Some content creators and writers may prefer to work more intuitively. These tools may not be able to capture the complexity and nuance of human thoughts and expressions.

AI tools can definitely help content creators and writers to save time by automating certain tasks, such as research and data. This can free up more time for creative activities. It can help writers to overcome the writer’s block. These tools can be a useful source of inspiration and can help writers to come up with new and innovative ideas.

P.S. I think it is just about how we decide to handle these tools.



Saloni Desai

A storyteller trying different modes to express and communicate. Passion for filmmaking and photography and practicing Yoga.