Why the new e-book series: 10-min READ

Salvador P Orellana
2 min readSep 23, 2020



People who could explain complex issues succinctly, while remaining clear and profound, always caught my attention.

Time is one of our most valuable resources, and therefore we must make the most of it.

The knowledge and / or experience gained is also valuable.

That is why I have proposed to create a series of speed-reading e-books, which are leveraged on these two resources: time and knowledge.

For now, the name of the e-book series will be “10-min READ”.

Its name says it all.

The challenge will be to choose topics that can be explained in 10 minutes of reading or less.

That attracts interest due to its relevance, topicality, or continuous practice.

That the reader can put into practice immediately.

That delivers value for the short, medium, and long term.

I have planned that the series explore various topics, for example:

-Information Technology


-Marketing / Digital marketing

-Change management

-Human Resources

Of course, I will not be the author for each e-book on such diverse topics.

I already have a list of specialists who liked the idea and are going to contribute to the project.

We will start with Information Technology, and the first is about how IT can lead the cost reduction of the entire company (not only IT costs), improving its daily operational management, in times of pandemic and post-pandemic.

If you’ve read this far, you’ve already won a free copy of the first e-book. Follow this link.

If you give me feedback on the first e-book, then the second will also be free for you (once it is ready)

In my twitter account I will publish news about the series of e-books, titles that are coming.

I plan to vote on the matter of the following issues.

Of course, it will also serve to receive feedback.

Thank you for reading.

Always ready for any suggestion, better by twitter.

You must take care! 😎

The cover of the first e-book



Salvador P Orellana

I’m an IT PRO with 20+ years of experiences. Now creating a series of e-books that you can read in 10 min. Right-to-the-point ready-to-use-info/knowledge.